Do you think the Wii U branded ones will cost more? lolWe'll see Wii U branded Wiimotes but they wont be different as far as function.
Nintendo has too much to lose by not making the Wiimotes backwards compatible.
sick_dope_rad's forum posts
Does anyone think they'll release a new model of the WiiMote for the Wii U? Like a MotionPlus...Plus? The reason I was wondering is because I was worried that the price of the normal MotionPlus would go up when the demand goes up after the release of the WiiU. So, I was considering on stocking up on a few right now, but then I had that thought, so I'm discouraged.
I just looked on Gamestop, and all Wii U games for pre-order are $99.99. Someone please tell me this is not possible. Do they do this overcharging on purpose so they can just give people refunds when the real prices come out? There's no way we're about to live in a world where one game costs $100.
Edit: Checked on Amazon and many games are listed at $99.99 on here too, but some are just $59.99 (normal). Is it possible the 100 dollar games come with an extra controller or something. Lord, I hope so.
So, of course, this is what's on everyone's mind about the Wii U. Will it be worth it? Or will it be another gimmick machine like the orignal Wii. I conviced my family we needed a Wii, because I was so convinced by Nintendo. What happened? Wii Sports was a blast for about 2 weeks. Wii sports was interesting for about a week. Super Mario Galaxy was awesome until I beat it. Then my mom started buying more lame gimmicky games (dancing and singing party games), they started adding on to the rediculous gimmicks (you had to have a motionplus adapter to play some games correctly, you had to have those stupid wheel adapters for Mario Kart, etc. etc.) and I, being a kid with limited income, and my parents getting more of the sytem, gave up on the Wii. I started spending my money on Xbox games, because it had a lot better online system and I could play with my friends.
Now, I'm more mature, and I have more interest in playing classic games that have withstood the test of time than repetitive online shooters. In other words, Xbox seems to be offering less and less for me. I would love to play all the Nintendo greats, but I also want more than that. I want to be able to play a few big blockbuster games like GTA V. I I don't want to own a system that will be so much weaker than it's competeitors that the only decent games are first party. So, it is a requirement for me that Wii U is stronger than the current gen, and, on top of that, I would really hope that it's strong enough to keep up for a while in the next Gen (it's possible, Xbox 360 is still keeping up with PS3 on third party games).
I'm going to need prove that the tablet concept is not a complete gimmick. I wanna see it used in a way that it actually adds a unique, fun experience on to the gameplay of not just some, but most games. And I'm always wanting to see a low price tag. Unless it's a lot more powerful than they're letting on, it's probably not much more technically advanced than the PS3 which you can get for $250, add on that tablet thing and I'm feeling $300.
If all these things happen and the stars align, then I will buy the Wii U at launch and hope I don't get burned by later on having to buy expensive add-ons and different controller variations to keep playing new games.
On a side note--- what are the main games you hope get made for this system as far as first party?
I'm still really praying one day NIntendo will come to their senses and make a real console Pokemon game. Same formula as the main handheld series (I wouldn't even mind if they started out using the exact same story/world/characters as Red/Blue) except with quality console graphics (including out of battle roaming that looks something like a modern open world game and battles where Pokemon actually move and you can see what their attacks really look like on each other) and now with a great online battling league. If Nintendo made this game on the Wii U, with gamepad being your PokeDex and all the other little electronics the character is given along the way, I wouldn't care at all if every other game on Wii U absolutely sucked. Heck I would buy a system if that was the only game on it. However, I'm also looking forward to playing the new iterations of all the other Nintendo series, especially a really good Donkey Kong game with beautiful jungle landscapes.
Exactly. A bipartisan system is not true democracy, because in order to be elected an official has to join a party. Then to stay in office they have to vote for whatever their party tells them to vote for. Their are very few third party elected officials, and that is sad. The best thing that could ever happen in American politics is for someone who is neither a Republican or a Democrat to be elected as president, so that they could make change according to real sensible decisions, not just political agendas. Our country will continue in this downward spiral until some sort of a revolution like that happens and congress is no longer simply Right vs. Left, but real individuals representing the ideas of the people that elected them to help make changes in the nation that we want to see.Well Ron Paul doesn't actaully have much support, his supporters have always voted for him. Say what you want about Ron Paul though, but I find him to atleast be the most honest candidate out there, he also has ZERO lobby money. Which is something that no other politician can say about themseleves...
People always blame everything on the president because he is the head of office right now. It happens with every president. Personally I wouldn't say that I hate Obama but I don't like him either, I would say I dislike him mostly because of all his talk about "change" but he didn't really do a whole lot different from the Bush administration (the bailouts ect..)
I am fairly conservative (somewhat more Libertarian I guess you could say) but I find both parties to be disgusting and I feel ashamed that our country doesn't demand more from our elected represenatives and just keep doing the whole "republican vs democrat" thing every 4 years. I'm not just talking about the president, I'm talking about congress and the senate and EVERYWHERE!
I also don't like how people are so bias and divided about everything because they feel the need to have a political label attached to them and refuse to comprimise. Like how (some) liberals say "Conservatives are stupid racists and we liberals are just too educated for them" or how (some) conservatives say "liberals are godless heathen commies and love terrorists"
That kind of mentality divides us and makes it easier for corrupted officals and government to take advantage of us.
Colbert is more right
He's really not. He's as to the left as Stewart is.
Really? I feel he makes fun of everyone pretty much equally. I know his character/persona is to be a far right republican, and it seems ridiculous, it's always seemed to me like there's a little bit of truth behind that persona. I don't see how you could say he's as left as Stewart since, although he makes fun of republicans in a roundabout way pretending to be supportive, he definitely never says anything positive about the democrats either.Graduated from Emory University last week. I'm done with college (until I go to grad school anyway which won't be happening for a couple of years since I want to take some time off from academia).gameguy6700How'd you like it? I wanted to go there, but my counselor told me I had enough credits to graduate early in January, so I decided to, but I was too late to apply to all the good colleges (most of their deadlines were in November). So I'm going to Georgia Southern University this fall, but might try to transfer if I don't like it down there.
Bill O'Reilly = PWNED
Haha sometimes I agree with Fox News, my dad watches it all the time so I see a lot of it, but their Republican allegience fogs so many of their ideas. Everything they say is to help the Conservatives, and that keeps them from being honest with themselves, but other news stations are often just as bad on the opposite side, at least they were during Bush's presidency.
That's why I love Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, although Jon is more left and Colbert is more right, they really have no allegience and can say whatever they want. That's why, if you look through all their jokes and sillyness, they are the two most honest and sensible political TV show hosts on right now. The fact that the only political analysts that make sense 100% of the time are on Comedy Central is very sad, but it's true.
It's pretty rediculous considering most black people's ancestors probably came here during the early colonial days, before many white people's ancestor's came to America later on during all the immigration of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. So their families have been in America longer than possibly the majority of white people's families have. I have ancestory from all over Europe, and even Native American, but as far as race goes, I'm just white. that's all there is to it, I have all the features of a white person, so I go by white. As far as nationality, I'm just American, because every living ancestor I have has lived in America their entire life.
As far as other races besides whites and blacks, I understand using nationality to describe their race, because their in the grey area so to speak..their not black or white. Since it's not clear at all to describe some one as "brown" and the terms Latino and Hispanic are way to broad, it makes since to call some one Mexican or Peurto Rican or whatever, as long as your right, because calling someone Mexican when they're actually Cuban, makes you sound very ignorant and stupid. The term Asians is also way to broad to use as a race indicator, but if you can't tell the difference, don't try. Calling a Vietnamese man Chinese will make him very angry. But even so, I don't think they should be called Asian-Americans, they should be called Americans who are Asian, because in this day and age, race and nationality are no longer connected. If it's understood that someone lives in the same country as you, there's no need to add American to the end of their race.
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