everyday i see the idiotic part of internet growing stronger... when fez 2 was announced many of you were "whoa, can't believe this... must buy... shit bla bla" and now Fish has another personality crysis and " ohh **** him and his game" stop mixing lives with games and Blezinski is a EPIC god for gamers so stfu and stop mournin like bitches... it's a kind gesture and a real message for him to open his eyes
the thing is that a tablet has a different optimization than the pc or laptop and to give that power to a tablet it's something.... i'm not saying it's the best thing in general... it's the best thing for a tablet... for example it renders crysis 3 amazing and that's not possible for many tablets and besides that it gives you the option to make it whatever u want, i had my hands on that thing and i know what i'm saying... for a portable device it's the best for now
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