how do you know there was nothing before birth when you cant even remember the day you were born. infact you cant even remember when you were less than a year old.
Some people in coma still dream and technically you are conscious. well i am an atheist but i find it hard to see that death is just an end. i dont believe in god or a creator but i do think there is more to our consciousness. maybe we will enter a dream-like state for ever and eventually it becomes your reality. no matter how hard you try, you cant remember how a dream begins. think about it. you remember your dreams but you cant remember how it began. maybe thats what will happen to your conciousness. you forget how you entered the dream like state and then that becomes your reality and the cycle continues. but i can see there are alot flaws in that. maybe you become a part of the universe. your conciousness endlessly roams the universe, and beyond. or well, maybe you enter the 4th, 5th and other dimensions. maybe this body you are in is holding your conciousness from going into the 4th dimension. what do you think happens to your consciousness after death?
wake up guys. dont listen to the lies scientists sell you. 2012 is the year we discover the truth. our eyes open and we see the truth. the illuminati, Satan, nibiru, 9/11 was a bomb, martial law, new world order, obama is anti christ, nostradamus, hitler is innocent, free masonry, hollow earth, aliens, ufo, nasa hiding moon people from public, first contact, time travel, and tsunami. 2012 IS UPON US GUYS. WAKE UP.
Muse - Like a few songs, but everything seems like "oh i'm so depressed so I'm gonna make a wall of guitar noise and scream over it then do a quick clean section before returning to noise with clean vocals so everybody will think I'm progressive and my soul is wounded"
Machine Head - Tagalong trend leaches with a douchebag frontman
Kiss - About the same as machine head but squared. Also, Gene is a douchebag.
Dream Theater - Pompous technicality for the sake of it, "intelligent" lyrics, uncoherent songs.
dream theater? how? most people dont even know who they are. and john pretucci (spelling?) is an amazing guitarist. they are underrated in my book.
how is tool overrated? they barely even get media coverage. I mean I understand alot of people listed to them but just because the majority likes it doesnt mean its overrated. And for people that said nirvana. Go listen to the Bleach album.
ARMORED ZOMBIES! i wasnt expecting that at all. they need veriety of zombies. I still wanna see clown zombies. maybe they will end up in a clown school or something.
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