Hi :)
There's a lot of things that will scare you so much that it makes you lose sleep: zombies, vampire children scratching at your window, Bloody Mary, Tar Man
But NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, beats waking up in the middle of the night with a GIANT BLACK SPIDER NEXT TO YOUR HEAD!!
And 2 weeks ago, I woke up, and as I was changing my flannel sheets to cotton, I found a spider at the bottom of my bed. That's right, I slept with a damn spider.
Anyway, I'm too paranoid to go back to sleep, so I'll talk about the spider.
I had NO idea what to do. I turned my lamp on (cause there is nothing worse then waking up to a spider, then being eaten by tar man while looking for a shoe) and I got one of my pink Tommy Hilfiger platform flip-flops to squish it with.
Only 1 problem- I was shaking too much to squish it. I physically can't get close enough to a spider to squish it.
So, I went and got the bug spray (which thankfully, is upstairs) and I sprayed the spider. It dropped, and I had no idea where it went, so I assumed it was dead. I came back to my room and saw the SPIDER RUN ACROSS THE FLOOR. So, shaking even more, I run back to the laundry shoot (there is a shelf on top of that where the spray is) and spray the spider.
I'm almost positive it's dead now, but I keep thinking I just saw one, so I'm getting a little paranoid.
I've got school tomorrow, so I should try and sleep. I'll just think of the Winchesters :D That'll help :)
sienna_luvs_tv Blog
I am the Dumbest Person in the Universe
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
Hi :)
I am the stupidest person on Earth. Now, a lot of you are going to say "You're not dumb, stop saying that", but it's true. To prove it's true, I've provided a list of the top 10 stupid things I've said and done in the past 3 months.
1. I locked myself out of my iPod
2. "Isn't is weird how if you skip a meal, you get more hungry?" - sad thing is, this sounded really smart in my head
3. "Heaters are hot" - once again, trying to be smart
4. I went through the Foxtel IQ (kind of like TiVo) deleting things I hadn't watched, and didn't realize until half of it was gone
5. When I was watching ANTM and CariDee called accidentally Janice "over-pungent", it took me AGES to figure out that what CariDee said was bad
6. I've somehow convinced myself that Tar Man from Return of the Living Dead is going to eat me. I'm not kidding when I say that I sleep in a ball in the middle of my bed with nothing but my head poking out of the covers - even if I'm really hot - and don't touch the floor if the lights are off. I was watching my new Supernatural DVD with my sister and she yelled "TAR MAN" and I actually ran out of the room screaming.
7. I've also somehow convinced myself that the Vampire Kid from Salem's Lot and Bloody Mary will get me too. I can't look out of windows at night or go into a dark bathroom anymore.
8. I made up my own rule in math cause it made more sense, but the rule doesn't work... and I still use it
9. I bought a $30 CD because I liked 1 song on there, and I already had that song on a different CD (and I knew that). Luckily, the CD rocks. But I didn't know that
10. Me writing this list.
I did something really incredible stupid today, but I don't remember what it is. When I retrace my steps, I'll remember. I'd retrace them now, but, it's dark, and if I get out of bed Tar Man will eat me. So, if I remember in the morning, I'll post.
Sorry for the lateness of this blog. I'll do a real one tomorrow about Golf Camp, but I really want to go back to reading RetroCrush.com articles (the awesome site that reminds me of Joey so much it's almost scary) and watching my new Supernatural DVD :D
Camp Update and Another Quiz = )
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
Hey :)
I didn't go to the Golf Camp today (it's a day camp, probably should have mentioned that :oops: ) because my back was hurting. We went to the physio and she said that because I'm overly flexible below my waist, and the brace was stopping the movement there, I strained the muscles I'm supposed to be using in my upper back. So, I can only do half, maybe less of how much I was playing before.
I don't really mind that much, cause I need to get a more flexible upper body anyway ;) I never realized I wasn't using it :P
But, my sister still went, and she said that there were too many people in the B team, and a lot of people who weren't good enough to be in A, so lots of people got moved down. My sister got moved down, so I'm not in the same group as her cause I'm the same (yay!) AND my 3 friends possibly got moved down too, because one of the girls said she was surprised she was in A, considering that last year we got pretty much the same scores in everything.
So I might see my friends after all :D
Tomorrow should be fun :) Plus, I'm getting season 2 of Supernatural on DVD, so if the day sucks, then that'll make it all better :D
Anyway, here is one of the 2 quizzes I stole from MrsTonyDiNozzo...
What color is your mailbox? Off-Yellow, but it's only temporary
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? Nope
Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you? Same SMS tone, but not ringtone
What is your ringtone?! Canto De Laliberta, and tomorrow I'm changing it to (probably) Aquas De Parco
Is your hair naturally straight or curly? Curly- ringlets to be exact :P
Are you taller than your mom? Yes
Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? YES!
Do you often cry during a movie? Almost every movie I've seen, even if it's not sad
Do any of your friends have kids? None of my friends MY age, that would be scary
How many years older than you are you willing to date? 2, until I turn 18.
After I turn 18, 15 years :P
What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? Pink with orange (most people can't pull it off)
Do you scratch your ears? Yes? Is this a trick question?
Who was the last person to hug you? My friend Catherine
What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now? Target (Snoopy Pyjama shorts :P I've had them since 4th grade... 5 years later they still fit)
What is the closest green object? A green, pink, purple and white striped chair the the corner of my room
What is the brightest color you're wearing? a fluro pink "Paris for President" top (don't judge me)
Do you have any TV shows on DVD? Yes - Supernatural (season 1, getting 2 tomorrow :D), Gilmore Girls (season 1), NCIS (1, 2 & 3), House (1 & 2), South Park (4 and 7), The OC (1-3), Smallville (season 4), Futurama (1-4), The Simpsons (1-10), Family Guy (season 3), Wonderfalls, Everybody Loves Raymond (1-4), The Sopranos (1-6), Spongebob (1-3), Without a Trace (1 & 2), Grey's Anatomy (season 1), Soap (season 1) and some that I'm forgetting (some I share with the rest of the family, but the first 7 shows are just mine)
Are you wearing make-up? I'm pretty sure I washed it all off
Do you have a tattoo? Nope
Have you ever broken a pinata? Yup
What time is it right now? 10:46pm, not that late for me, I'm usually up until 2:00am
Do you know how to draw? I can draw Kenny, cartoon puppy-dogs and spongebob flowers
Who did you last IM? Umm... I think it was my friend Ashleigh
Do you work a lot of hours? I'm not allowed to work. John Howard won't let me
Where were you in the last 24 hours? Physio, home and I went shopping
Do you know where your family name originated from? Yup- Italy
Do you own an iPod? Yup, a white 80GB video (and it's half full) :)
Have a nice day everyone :)
I Need a Friend = (
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
Hey :)
I have this golf camp on all week (it's a day camp) and I feel like crap after the first day. I have to wear a back brace because I slipped a disc in my back, and I'm not supposed to eat with it on, cause it's like a lower back/stomach corset. It took 20 minutes to put it on, so I ate with it on anyway. That isn't the worst thing though. When I went last year, I hung out with 7 girls and 3 guys, but mainly just 5 of the 7 girls. This year, 3 of the 5 girls have returned, and they are in A grade now, and I'm in B.
Last year, a good friend of mine (who wasn't able to do the camp this year, so she came to my house last night and we watched Maury Povich- the one that the Freak Strike episode of South Park is based on, with the teenage girls who were hooked on sex. I swear, Matt and Trey based the older girl on these 4) was in A grade, and I NEVER saw her. I saw these 3 girls twice today- in the morning, and just before they went to a clinic thing. We can't even see each other at lunch cause they have lunch on the course, which sucks on so many levels. The other 3 guys and 4 girls didn't return.
I have their phone numbers, but they're on my old phone, and it won't turn on. I only have 1 of them's hotmail address.
What sucks is even if I stepped up my game and got into the A grade, they aren't coming back next year cause this is the last year they can do it (they turn 18 next year). Plus, I'll be in Europe this time next year, so I couldn't have gone anyway.
To top it all off, my best friend is on holiday (with no phone credit), and most of the rest of my close friends are either busy or on holiday, so I can't really talk to them. I can't really talk to anyone.
I wish it was last year :cry:
Anyway, I have a ton of quizzes I've stolen from people, and I figure I'd post one every day, cause they're just piling up!
The first one is from Sparkle :) Sparkle's answers are better than mine, so read hers after mine (mine will seem less bad if you read it first :P)
1. Where do you want to live when you are old?
Either Connecticut, Hawaii or New Hampshire
2. How do blind people know when they are done wiping?
They don't :o
3. What sound makes your ears want to bleed?
A lot of people are gonna hate me for this... anything on Pink's new album. There's a lot more, I just can't think of anything, probably cause I'm listening to my favorite songs :)
4. Could it be that all those trick-or-treaters wearing sheets aren't going as ghosts but as mattresses?
Or, they could be going as a kid with a sheet over his head :P
5. If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?
I swear all the time, and I've never had my mouth washed, so I guess not :)
7. What did you dream last night?
Hehehe... ummm... well, the entire dream was basically me hugging Jared Padalecki... and when I wore up I was sad it was just a dream :( I've been having a LOT of strange dreams, and either he or Jensen Ackles has been my boyfriend in all of them :P
8. What is the closest thing to you that is orange?
An empty box of neon Nerds. Wonka candy kicks butt
9. Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"?
Yeah, I guess
10. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?
Take off my shoes, I guess
11. What age did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
What do you mean stop :P
12. Would you tell your parents if you were gay?
Yeah, they wouldn't care
13. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
Didn't know there was, I don't like sour cream
14. Where is the best place to hide the body?
In the house of someone you don't like
15. If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of that stuff?
Cause it's cheaper?
16. If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
Why not?
17. Does it annoy you when people act stupid for attention?
How stupid are we talking here, like Jessica Simpson stupid or running into things stupid?
18. Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
I know a vegetarian who won't eat animal crackers
19. Would you clone your pet just so it could be with you forever?
20. Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
21. What's the biggest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated?
Never dated anyone, other than a kid in pre-school who was the same age as me (when I was in pre-school too :P)
22. Why do so many people have a fear of clowns?
Because they will eat you when you are not looking. Clowns are scary
23. How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?
The sign is magic, thats how
24. If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him. . . is he still wrong?
25. What is the strangest thing you've ever ate?
26. If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
Mimes don't have rights
27. If you could date any celebrity, past or present, who would it be?
See question 7 :P
28. What was the best thing before sliced bread?
I honestly don't see what the big deal about sliced bread is. I like it better ripped.
29. Were (are) you popular in high school?
Sort of... I used to be, and I'm still friends with most of them, but I hang out with the semi-popular group now, cause they're cooler. Actually, we had the popular group, and then we had the Mean Girls-type group on top of that. I was Karen :P and the girl who was like Gretchen moved groups with me. We're still friends with "Regina" though :P
30. What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? Shoot them both (Kidding :P) I have no idea. Sparkle's answer to this question is gold though :D Read it.
31. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
If they don't want to lose...
32. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
Failed, I think. I tend to do this a lot, I think...
I would have put that in a spoiler, but they aren't working :(
Peace Out :)
xox.Sarina.xox :)
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
I've come to the conclusion that I have no life. I don't really care though. It just makes me really boring.
Friend: Hey!
Me: Hi! I haven't seen you in ages! What you been up to?
Friend: Well, I went skiing, then I went to Hawaii and won a surfing tournament. Then I starred in a movie and won an Oscar! What about you?
Me: Well, I stayed at home and watched America's Next Top Model, South Park and Supernatural. Oh, and I also saw a crappy movie.
Friend: Oh... okay... thats... umm... cool....
Now, who would you rather hear from?
Now, I am back, but, knowing me, I might not be back til, like, December.
I think y'all are great, so if you add me on msn (sleeping beauty059@hotmail.com) and I will talk to you and we can stay friends in case of said incident :)
But, if you DON'T care about me, then don't add me and make me sad :(
xox The girl who uses too many smilies and changes her nickname every week cause her real name is BORING but the same as a character on Gossip Girl, only it's spelled differently.
Go to explosm.net for all your Cyanide & Happiness needs
Just A Quick Note
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
This is just a quick blog to inform everyone that my cousins are coming to Australia on Friday, so I won't really be here for another 4 weeks :P (I come back for, like, a day. Kinda stupid, really) We, umm, still kinda haven't unpacked yet since we moved in, like, a month ago :oops: I thought I'd have time to come on here and stuff, but I don't. Sorry guys :(.
I'd write more, but I'm tired and need to read everyone elses blogs. Plus, I can't really be bothered.
So, anyway, I hope everyone has a great summer/winter break :)
xox Sienna xox
Bad News =(
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
So, my essay is in, but I've still got a bunch of other stuff to do. You see, we, we being my family, are moving in 2 weeks. And... well... ummm... I kinda gave up on packing a while ago. We still have HEAPS left to go. And our internet connection is real slow at the moment, cause I downloaded too many episodes of House and South Park. I'll try to post and comment as reguarlly as I can, which might be once or twice a week if I'm lucky until we move.
hehehehe... Kenny mood :D
So, I've been absent for a week (duh) and not much has actually happened.
Finished my essay on Thursday, which was cool :) Not really, my essay sucked. I mean, one less thing I need to finish :) Went to the sports injury doctor and apparently my posture sucks. So, I have tape around my back and knees. I'm allergic to tape (or the sticky stuff, on band-aids too) so I had this hypo-allergetic stuff put on first, which made my skin all dry and itchy :(
On Friday I went shopping after school to get my friend a Birthday present, cause her party was on Saturday (2 partys in 2 weeks :D), then saw Spiderman 3 in Gold c l a s s on Friday. I wanted a bowl of french fries half-way through the movie for dinner, but the chef said he couldn't do that :( He said he could do a bowl of wedges and cut them extra thin and not add seasoning (long story short, spices other than salt make me sick) which was good cause they tasted great :D Then, further into the movie I got a choc-mint choc top :D No movie is complete without my favorite ice-cream :)
Honestly, I liked Spiderman 3. A lot of people hated it, but I liked it. I don't see what was so bad about it. There is one part at the end, where I actually did cry :P
Saturday was fun :D Went out for breakfast, but I do every Saturday, so it's no big deal :P
My friend's party was on at night. It was fancy dress, had to be something scary. SO, I went as a dementimacated Barbie doll, who had just been crying and was sort of a zombie. I don't know. The zombie make-up didn't work, so I made something up.
Sunday (Mothers Day) I went shopping. Tried to make mom breakfast in bed, but the scones turned out terrible. So, as it was 10:30 by the time they finished
Monday, me and my sister bought 2 gamecube controllers, a memory card and a game (Mario Party 6) for our Nintendo Wii (didn't make sense? Wii's play gamecube games, and have inputs for the controllers and memory cards :P)
Tuesday, I went to the doctors today. I was supposed to go to dance, but the doctor said I shouldn't. I need to get a blood test, an MRI and go back to the sports physio on Friday. As you can tell, my posture and health SUCK.
Today is Wednesday, I was supposed to get my blood test... but I woke up real sick :( I'm all dizzy and my throat is really dry :(
ANYWAY, more ways to annoy the Pizza guy :)
[spoiler] 1. Mumble, "There's a bomb under your seat." When asked to repeat that, say, "I said, 'sauce smothered with meat'."
2. Order 52 pepperoni slices prepared in a fractal pattern as follows from an equation you are about to dictate. Ask if they need paper.
3. Order a Big Mac Extra Value Meal.
4. Order a one-inch pizza.
5. Order a slice, not a whole pizza.
6. Order a steamed pizza.
7. Order one with ants.
8. Order term life insurance.
9. Order the most expensive pizza and have it sent to your boss!
10. Order two toppings, then say, "No, they'll start fighting."
11. Order using lines from different movies (Luke, I am your "customer"-Darth Vader)
12. Order while using an electric knife sharpener.
13. Order with a Speak-n-Spell where applicable.
14. Perfect a celebrity's voice. Stress that you won't take any crap from some two-bit can't-hack-it pimple-faced gofer.
15. Pretend that you were trying to call 911 when they tell you you have the wrong # say oh well start to order... In the middle of your order stop and start to panic and yell "IT'S ABOUT TO BLOW" and hang up. [/spoiler]
No survey today, didn't have time :(
BUT, I did a quiz :D:D:D:D
.::Who is Your South Park Boyfriend?::.
Kenny! You're most likely to go out with Kenny McCormick. Who gives a care if he's poor and he's a pervert! It doesn't mean you still can't have feelings for the kid. Nice pick!
Take this quiz!
Fun :D
Anyway, have a great day y'all :)
Double C&H cause I know you missed it :)
Quick Blog
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
Hi :)
Well, I've got this big English essay due on Thursday, and everone else had 2 weeks to do this. I have 3 days. So, I won't really be posting/commenting on any blogs unless I finish early. I will check on my tv.com account every day though, so if you need to ask something then just PM me. Also, I will be checking up on how the South Park Off is going, cause I find that more important than homework :P So, anyway, I should be back to normal blogs and stuff on Friday, or Thursday. Not really a big loss, but I just thought I'd say :)
xox Sienna xox
I Am Stupid
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
If you want to know why I am stupid, click the spoiler :)
[spoiler] Well, today it came to my attention that I am the stupidest person in the universe. I honestly don't care, cause it's a cool label 8)
Not really, but it's true.
SO, anyway, like 2 minutes ago, I had the page thingo scrolled halfway down my profile, so a blog from, I don't know, last week was visible. It was at the "15 ways to Annoy ___" bit. My first thought? "This person stole my idea!" Well, duh, it was me. Took me 10 minutes to figure that out, even while reading the comments.
My friend Gracie, who earned the nickname "Blondie" (she has blonde hair and that was the name of her character in the school production, she is smart, but says some pretty dumb things sometimes) asked me if I was born a blonde. I replied "I'd look really strange as a blonde Gracie" and she just laughed.
Also, I say really dumb things. Like, almost everything I say is stupid. It all started in Year 7, when I discovered that saying stupid things made me and other people happy. So, it kinda progressed, and now I don't really think before opening my mouth. Kinda stupid really. [/spoiler]
Paris Hilton is in Jail :lol: Here is my tribute:
hehehe :D This picture has a video link. Haven't done one of them in a while...
I'm watching Spiderman 2 now. Good movie :D Can't wait to see the third one :)
So, Part 3 of the Pizza thing is here :P
[spoiler] 1. Doze off in the middle of the order, catch yourself, and say, "Where was I? Who are you?"
2. Give them your address, exclaim, "Oh, just surprise me!" and hang up
3. Haggle.
4. Have a movie with a good car chase scene playing loudly in the background. Yell "OW!" when a bullet is fired.
5. Have your pizza "shaken, not stirred." (we had this BIG conversation about this at my friends house. We wanted everything "shaken, not stirred" :lol:)
6. If (s)he suggests a side order, ask why (s)he is punishing you.
7. If any of the above practices are rejected by the order taker, say, in your best pouty voice, "Last guy let me do it."
8. Imitate the order taker's voice. (I've done that... and they've done it to me)
9. In your breathiest voice, tell them to cut the crap about nutrition and ask if they have something outlandishly sinful.
10. Keep telling the order taker about the other pizza place you sued last year.
11. Learn to play a blues riff on the harmonica. Stop talking at regular intervals to play it
12. Learn to properly pronounce the ingredients of a Twinkie. Ask that these be included in the pizza.
13. Make a list of exotic cuisines. Order them as toppings.
14. Make the first topping you order mushrooms. Make the last thing you say, "No mushrooms, please." Hang up before they have a chance to respond.
15. Move the mouthpiece farther and farther from your lips as you speak. When the call ends, jerk the mouthpiece back into place and scream GOODBYE at the top of your lungs. [/spoiler]
I had KFC for dinner. So I'm pretty darn happy right now, as you can imagine :D Anyone who has been to Australia will know that Australian popcorn chicken is the best damn popcorn chicken in the world :D It taste different to American popcorn chicken.
So, today's survey I stole from Ellen :D
[spoiler] * . . About You . . *
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Also Dark Brown
Height: Umm... about 170cm
Favorite Color: Pink and Orange
Screen Name: What a stupid question.
Favorite Band/Artist: Umm... I like Gabriel & Dresden, DT8 Project, actually, I said all of them in my last blog :P
Favorite Movie: South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Favorite Show: South Park, closely followed by NCIS and Supernatural
Your Car: I'm 14, I don't drive. But my mom has a nissan something (the new one) and my dad has a holden caprice. Both come with dvd players ;)
Your Hometown: Victoria. Doubt you really care about the town.
Your Present Town: It's on the Morgington Penisula.
Your Crushes First Name: What's in a name.
Your Grade: 9
Your St-yle: Girly, Causal, Ecletic or High Fashion. Depends on my mood.
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop? Yup
Kissed someone in the rain? Nope
Danced in a public place? Yup
Smiled for no reason? All the time :D
Laughed so hard you cried? Yup
Written a song? Nope
Sang to someone for no reason? Yup
Performed on a stage? thousands of times
Talked to someone you don't know? Yup. All the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Yup
Made out in a theatre? Nope
Gone roller skating since 8th grade? Yup
Been in love? Nope.
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you? Kate
Tell you, I love you? Umm... it was one of my best friends... I think it was Sasha
Kiss you? Never been kissed :cry:
Hug you? Lara
Tell you BYE? Kimmy
Write you a note? Jess
Take your photo? Becky
Buy you something? Mom :oops:
Go with you to the movies? Kimmy
Sing to you? Ummm... I think that was my friend Ash. She sings to everyone. It's so damn funny though.
Write a poem about you? My friend Gracie. She was comparing me to J-Lo. It was funny :lol:
Touch you? Dirty much? I just scratched my head, if that counts.
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed? Right then. Something funny just happened on Spiderman.
Time you cried? Before, for no reason. Working on my acting :D But last time I cried unvollentarily was last night while I was watching South Park (u got f'd in the a) cause I was laughing so hard :P I cry a lot, and really easily too :)
Movie you watched? Spiderman 2 right now. When it's over I'm watching
Song you've sang? Fallen by Sarah McLachlan (the Gabriel and Dresdel remix... not the same as the original ;))
Time you've looked at the clock? Right then. It's 22:22 :lol: Strange... can't be stuffed converting it into 12 hour time.
Drink you've had? Water
Number you've dialed? I'm not telling you the number!!! But it was my friend Kimmy's number.
Book you've read? Um... The Lost One by Lynne Ewing
Food you've eaten? KFC!!!!! :D:D:D
Flavor of gum chewed? Juicy Fruit original... not sure what that qualifys as
Shoes you've worn? Black Tommy Hilfiger wedges
Store you've been in? Rebel sport. Looking for a cheerleading skirt
Thing you've said? "Tazzie". I was calling my dog.
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? Kinda sorta. My left hand writing is really bad, but I can still right...
Whistle? Yup
Blow a bubble? Yup With what? Mouth and bubble blower
Roll your tounge in a circle? Yup
Cross your eyes? Yup
Touch your tounge to your nose? Yup
Dance? Course I can :D I do lots of dancing
Gleek? ????
Stay up a whole night without sleep? I can stay up 48 hours without even being tired
Speak a different language? A bit of German and even a smaller bit of
Impersonate someone? Kinda... not well
Prank call people? Anyone can. I do a lot
Make a card pyramid? Yup
Cook anything? Lots of stuff
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a... fish (actually, I'd hate to be a fish. It was the first word that come to mind)
I wish... I was an actress
So many people don't know that... I hate burgers
I am... a human
My heart is... inside of me [/spoiler]
[spoiler] * . . About You . . *
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Favorite Color:
Screen Name:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Show:
Your Car:
Your Hometown:
Your Present Town:
Your Crushes First Name:
Your Grade:
Your St-yle:
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?
Kissed someone in the rain?
Danced in a public place?
Smiled for no reason?
Laughed so hard you cried?
Written a song?
Sang to someone for no reason?
Performed on a stage?
Talked to someone you don't know?
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?
Made out in a theatre?
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?
Been in love?
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?
Tell you, I love you?
Kiss you?
Hug you?
Tell you BYE?
Write you a note?
Take your photo?
Buy you something?
Go with you to the movies?
Sing to you?
Write a poem about you?
Touch you?
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?
Time you cried?
Movie you watched?
Song you've sang?
Time you've looked at the clock?
Drink you've had?
Number you've dialed?
Book you've read?
Food you've eaten?
Flavor of gum chewed?
Shoes you've worn?
Store you've been in?
Thing you've said?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?
Blow a bubble? With what?
Roll your tounge in a circle?
Cross your eyes?
Touch your tounge to your nose?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?
Speak a different language?
Impersonate someone?
Prank call people?
Make a card pyramid?
Cook anything?
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a...
I wish...
So many people don't know that...
I am...
My heart is... [/spoiler]
Well, umm, that's it from me :)
Have a great day y'all
I am Bored... and I Want Comments =P
by sienna_luvs_tv on Comments
Hi :)
So, I had this important thing I wanted to talk about... but I forgot.
Kyle mood :) Still love Kenny, but I had a change of mood.
Gotta love that pic :)
So, umm, anyway, I'm going back to school tomorrow, and I've got a party on Sunday, which should be fun :D Like a birthday party, not a rager-party.
Here is part 2 of How to Annoy the Pizza Guy. We had Pizza the other day... and I took 5 minutes to answer the door :oops: I actually feel kinda bad, cause he seemed really nice when I actually answered :P
1. Ask if you get to keep the pizza box. When they say yes, heave a sigh of relief.
2. Ask if you they can put food color in the cheese.
3. Ask the man/woman if they can sculpt the pizza into your favorite celebrity.
4. Ask them to not put a band-aid on it this time or you will sue.
5. Ask what the order taker is wearing.
6. Ask what their phone number is. Hang up, call them, and ask again.
7. Ask what topping goes best with well-aged Chardonnay.
8. backwards pizza your order
9. Be vague in your order.
10. Burp directly into the mouthpiece; then tell your dog it should be ashamed.
11. Call to complain about service. Later, call to say you were drunk and didn't mean it.
12. Change your accent every three seconds.
13. Crack your knuckles into the receiver.
14. Dance all around the word "pizza." Avoid saying it at all costs. If (s)he says it, say, "Please don't mention that word."
15. Detect the order taker's psychic aura. Use it to your advantage.
Stole another quiz from s1bbald :P
[spoiler] Name~ Sarina (aka Sienna)
Hair Color~ Brown
Eye Color~ Brown
Birthday~ 15/1/93 or if your American 1/15/93
Food~ French Fries, Mozzerella Sticks and Peanut Butter Cups
Song~ Either Luvstruck (Southside Spinners) or Deliverance (DT8 Project)
Color~ Pink or Orange
Number ~ 7, 9 and 15
Website~ Umm... southparkstudios.com, tv.com (although sometimes it dies, and then I hate it), southparkstuff.com or all-sp.net
Movie~ South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Magazine~ I read lots of magazines, but Elle Girl is probably my favorite (and we don't get it in Australia anymore :cry:)
Actor~ Michael Weatherly, Justin Long, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Ben McKenzie and Jesse Spencer
Actress~ Sasha Alexander, Jessica Alba, Eliza Dushku, Jennifer Morrison, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston
Book~ Love the Daughters of the Moon series :)
Greatest Fear~ Fire, death, heights, falling, and lightning
Screen Name~ Umm... well if you are reading this, then you should probably know...
Bedtime~ Whenever
Current Location~ Victoria, Australia
Most Embarrassing Moment~ Umm... not sure
Weakness~ Kenny :D
First Thought When You Wake Up~ Crap.
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke~ None
Chocolate Or Vanilla~ Chocolate
Day Or Night~ Don't Care
Hamburger Or Hot Dog~ Don't like either
Love Or Money~ Both :D At the moment, I need money
Looks Or Personality~ Personality, although a mix of both is great too :D
Summer Or Winter~ Summer has less lightning, but winter has less fire...
Hugs Or Kisses~ Hugs, I think
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out~ Night in
Coffee Or Tea~ None
Hot Or Cold~ I'd rather be cold, cause then you can layer up :P
Sunny Or Rainy~ Sunny
Dogs Or Cats~ Dogs
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love~ Nope
Danced In The Rain~ Yup
Toilet Papered Someone's House~ I think so...
Cheated On A Test~ Kinda sorta... wasn;t really that big a deal, cause everyone did. BUT, everyone else got caught ;)
Been Beaten Up~ Nope
Bullied Someone~ Nope
Smoked~ Nope
Drank~ Water, yes :lol: I've tried Alcohol, and I hate it
Done Drugs~ Nope
Had Sex~ Personal much? I haven't.
Gone Bungee Jumping~ No, but I'd love to
Gone Camping~ I HATE CAMPING!!! I'll have to tell you why sometime...
Stayed Up All Night~ I've stayed up 48 hours straight... beat that ;)
Skipped School~ Nope
Been On A Plane~ Thousands of times
Cheated On Someone~ Nope
Been Cheated On~ Nope
Sang In The Shower~ Yup
Smiled For No Reason~ I am right now
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny~ So many times... and then they laugh and go "You're such a stupid moron" and then everyone, including me, laughs at me.
Had A Pillow Fight~ I'm a girl. Of course I have ;)
Broken A Bone~ Nope, but I've sprained my ankle 4 times (I hate crutches)
Wished Upon A Star~ Yup
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves~ Yup
Gone Surfing~ On a boogie board, standing up in Hawaii... came back up behind me and hit me in the head just before I hit the water.
Sat On Your Rooftop~ Not in the house I'm in now, but I have
Written A Song~ Not really
((Finish The Sentence))
I Am~ a girl
I Wish~I was an actress/model
Life Is~ good
My First Kiss~ hasn't happened yet
Babies Are~ cute
Sometimes I Can Be~ paranoid, annoying, violent (rage blackouts), crazy, boring, loud, the list goes on
I Really Want To~ go to an amusement park. Preferably 6 flags again. [/spoiler]
[spoiler] Name~
Hair Color~
Eye Color~
Number ~
Greatest Fear~
Screen Name~
Current Location~
Most Embarrassing Moment~
First Thought When You Wake Up~
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke~
Chocolate Or Vanilla~
Day Or Night~
Hamburger Or Hot Dog~
Love Or Money~
Looks Or Personality~
Summer Or Winter~
Hugs Or Kisses~
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out~
Coffee Or Tea~
Hot Or Cold~
Sunny Or Rainy~
Dogs Or Cats~
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love~
Danced In The Rain~
Toilet Papered Someone's House~
Cheated On A Test~
Been Beaten Up~
Bullied Someone~
Done Drugs~
Had Sex~
Gone Bungee Jumping~
Gone Camping~
Stayed Up All Night~
Skipped School~
Been On A Plane~
Cheated On Someone~
Been Cheated On~
Sang In The Shower~
Smiled For No Reason~
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny~
Had A Pillow Fight~
Broken A Bone~
Wished Upon A Star~
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves~
Gone Surfing~
Sat On Your Rooftop~
Written A Song~
((Finish The Sentence))
I Am~
I Wish~
Life Is~
My First Kiss~
Babies Are~
Sometimes I Can Be~
I Really Want To~ [/spoiler]
So, umm, how is everyone? I can't really think of ANYTHING to say, cause I, actually, I have no reason. I'll shut up now before I say something stupid.
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