@o311rocks: It certainly is better,but still the core of the game is rotten,there is no reason to stay for more than 1/2 weeks per season,gearing for your build is extremely easy,and then you run rifts and only rifts,waiting for the same piece of equipment but this time with 1% more green text on the bottom. The way items force you into a build remove any excitement over seeing something else drop. Paragon is in bad shape for a long time as well. I honestly can't call this game an ARPG. :/ One simply don't feel the need to play for more than 1/2 weeks.
And i fear current blizzard can't do better,its almost like WoW brainwashed them over the years to make everything they do feel like it,and many of the core designers of both WoW and D2 are not there any more,and this is something millions felt,and aren't there anymore.
They don't need to hire,they need to replace the entire DIablo team if they want a good ARPG game that can call itself DIablo,not the pseudo arcade crap that is 3.
@Jag-T1000: Having fun playing depopulated,P2W,laggy,no content updates,no communication from the developer,doomed games which are also infested with bots? There is reason the most played MMO-s (which are FFXIV and WoW) are p2p.
Define skill. I mean,how will the system determine your skill,how much you capture,how accurate you are,how you dodge bulets,what exactly? Also there is the balance factor and type of hero you play. There are serious amounts of stuff that this need to check in order to call you "skilled". Im not sure this is possible, there are too much things for a system to determine how good you are,and being fair about it. Also we have KDR,WIN/LOSE ratios and hero types,a tank wont have as much kills as a attacker,and what if i want to change the hero mid game?
And lets not forget the HoTS matchmaking,its >hideous<.
I don't get those comments,Blizzard made all their classics while under Vivendi ,now its all overhyped crap,guess Activision is worse. Suddenly ubisoft will die because why ? They don't have a single good game after AC2,everything is either a lie,downgrade or buggy as hell,not to mention they butchered the Heroes series.
Okay... i don't have high expectations,but im a hardcore warcraft lore fan and probably thats why i have a hard time believing a movie can work. So why i am seeing so much "world of warcraft" in these critic reviews ? i mean...am i missing something or these people expect WoW adaptation ?
Why should they worry ? 99% of the people that this movie will make its money from doesn't even care or know this franchise lore... and im pretty sure the people that do don't matter.
Sikkens' comments