If I was a teenager living with my parents, or a college student in a dorm, and was bored out of my mind with a group of friends who all had consoles and this game, i would probably live in this game, or some other random repetitive MMO. However if you have other things to do (anything else to do) Destiny is a hard sell.
I really want to try Star Trek online. But between my console gaming and PC gaming and SWTOR which I intend to get back to I just don't have enough time. Voyager wasn't even my favorite Star Trek series, but this does look interesting.
@Lykanthropie @silpheedx It's called negotiating. So Mojang revised the numbers. It's not unheard of. Their lawyers probably realized what Microsoft could do with it and said hey this is going to be even more expensive. It's still the better deal. Assuming they don't screw it up.
@Lykanthropie I doubt nobody wanted Bayonetta. Also if you read Notch's comments you would know that Notch approached Microsoft and they took Minecraft off his hands for 2.5 billion. They never pursued the franchise before that.
SilpheedX's comments