silversurfergold's forum posts
Hello I need to know from some pc experts to know if a Geforce 6200 PCI can run obvilion. My brother really wants to play it on his computer but all he has is a geforce 5200, 1GB of ddr memory, Pentium 4 2.6 Ghz. It cannot play oblivion, it loads it, but it's unplayable.
The Geforce 6200 pci is the most powerful card I could find that would go on his motherboard, he's willing to upgrade his ram too, but he can't upgrade anything but the graphics card and ram. He just wants oblivion to run well. His computer is 2 yrs old, but it's definitly not for gaming. He's kinda pissed how I have a Alienware that can run it on high, well his computer can barely run warcraft.
Would the 6200 be able to run oblvion on low settings at least. We can't share my computer, as I need it, and he really wants it on his.
Heavenly Sword
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Grand Theft Auto 4
Ratchet and Clank
Guitar Hero 3
Kingdom Hearts 3
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII VS
Resistance 2
Call of Duty 4
Resident Evil 5
Metal Gear Solid 4
Might buy when it's greatest hits:The Darkness, Saints Row 2, Devil May Cry 4, Dead Rising 2
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