silversurfergold's forum posts
You kinda didn't really point out flaws of systems except the ps3. I'll list them for u
1)too large of a failure rate
2)no decent exclusives(pc get's most of them)
3)Seems that u get hardware upgrades often (hard drive, elite, processors, heat sink)
1)Not powerful enough
2)Scared to see 2008, all good games coming out this year
3)nothing else really, it's fun that's why I have one
1)you listed them no need to say it again
-Leaving out small flaws in other systems while adding to one that you dont' prefer makes ur post bias. Don't forget next time k
Sims 2 plus expansions for the computer (expansion's aren't games, there EXPANSION'S to the game). If I get to create games I'm set
If it's for the gamecube though probably Resident Evil 4, wrapped it 5 times on the gamecube, 4 times on the ps2, and I don't know how many more times I will on the Wii.
Ya wii games in Canada are around 55-60 canadian which is stupid, i'll be p****d if were still paying more then americans when our dollar is higher then theres. I'll just start shipping them from the U.S. if this keeps up.
But anyways, I heard it's worth it for 30 bucks, but definity not 60.
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