I like the names Playstation, sounded orginal, too bad they didn't change after the first. The Dreamcast, The Nintendo Revolution. Um.... Gameboy, I can't think of anyelse that caught on to me.
my 40 inch bravia looks so so so damn good, just upgraded from a crappy crt lol. All I can say is that I think I got my money's worth, well not really its on credit (darn interest), but nonetheless it's a great tv. I like lcd more then plasma, I don't notice ghosting on lcd's and plasma's the black looks more grey to me, but that's a opinion, not a fact.
I'd say sony, bravia models. I love mine. Games look beautiful espically with a hdmi cable, I never hooked up a vga cable yet to it, but it does 1080p through component, and of course hdmi. The colour black shows up well on these tvs too, but I never had a samsung tv, I just love my sony one.
Well I don't know if my tv is lying or ps3 is lying, it's saying current output is 1080p, but I dont' know how to get the tv to check it. So that's why I ask.
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to have 1080p through component, as I got the new sony braiva hd tv today, and does 1080p, but I only have component cables. I turned everything on and it says current output is 1080p, but is it actually displaying 1080p properly? I turned it down to 720p cause I wasn't sure. I was just hoping it can do 1080p. My ps3 looks pretty sweet in 720p already I just thought I'd see what 1080p looks like.
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