The Orange Box made me squeal inside with glee. And the execution was near perfect too.
simplyderp's forum posts
[QUOTE="BlackFlagX"]This was a joke post, right? An 8600GT can easily max out TF2. Hell, my old 7600GS maxed it out (without AA though)kieranb2000
Off-topic and incorrect.
Oh shi-
I have an old socket 939 Athlon X2 3800+ computer just collecting dust, ready to be turned into a $5000 router. I won't need to set up a vlan, since a pfense router would be far surperior to my flaky WRT54Gv6 that crashes randomly all the time or the DGL-4100 that I planned to buy. Sounds like a lot of fun and face palms!
Thank you for the quick reply. Seeing that it's not really possible to limit the amount of connections in UUSEE and that my cousin sneaks P2P downloads during the day, I'm considering another option:
With DD-WRT, will I be able to monitor bandwidth from a second router that connects to the LAN port of the router connected to the modem? The new router won't be using DD-WRT or have bandwidth monitoring features so that's why the second one is being used to monitor bandwidth. I will be connected to the router directly connected to the modem. Everyone else will be using the second router, which I plan to monitor.
WAR was slow-paced and boring when I played it at launch. I'm looking for an MMORPG too, but am going to wait for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
For Mr.TLDR,
Question 1: Streaming P2P is possibly beating the crap out of WRT54Gv6 using DD-WRT. Do I need a new router (gaming, other people using P2P, flashable with 3rd party firmware)? What do you recommend?
Question 2:Would it be possible to do this:
1. Connect new router to modem
2. Connect old router to LAN port on new router
3. Use old router for wireless and wired P2P
4. All P2P performance hits would only affect the performance on the older router, so that any connections to the new router are not affected.
-End TLDR-
At the moment, I'm using a WRT54G v6 router flashed with DD-WRT to network three computers: two through ethernet and one through wireless. My download/upload speed is around 13Mbps/3.5Mbps
My grandparents like to use a Chinese P2P streaming program called UUSEE to watch their favorite pirated shows/movies (almost every "legitimate" media website in China is a plethora of pirated material). Unfortunately when they start a movie, UUSEE likes to open 400+ active IP connections and upload around 300 KB/s. There are no settings to change since this isn't a traditional P2P application. You can't download the videos at night either. They are "streaming" and the computer is used as a node. UUSEE downloads/uploads 30 second bits from your computer, from the start to end time. I'm using Netlimiter to limit their upload speed to 40 MB/s (bordering stability), but the 400+ active IP connections can't be changed afaik. The upload limit hasn't affected their streaming, but instead of killing the router and requiring a reset, the router slows to a crawl.
At the moment, I'm using a WRT54G v6 router flashed with DD-WRT to network three computers: two through ethernet and one through wireless. My download/upload speed is around 13Mbps/3.5Mbps. I was thinking of investing in a new router to fit my needs:
- Gaming performance
- Able to handle many active IP connections
- Able to flash DD-WRT and/or Tomato
On newegg, I'm comparing the WRT54GL, DIR-655, and D-Link DGL "gaming" routers.
Would it be possible to do this:
1. Connect new router to modem
2. Connect old router to LAN port on new router
3. Use old router for wireless and wired P2P
4. All P2P performance hits would only affect the performance on the older router, so that any connections to the new router are not affected.
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