hey man i have a japenese ps3 too(got it cause it was white). i have the same *** only problem .I just keep the news bar off so dunt care bout it so much.BTW u must download the firmwares from the japenese ps3 site or else u might brick ur ps3.just download it to ur portable harddrive or something nd put it in.Personaly i prefer downloading the updates on my pc as its quicker too.
u can upgrade ur charecter in the missions menu b4 the stage starts .i`m not sure about the devil meter nd the health bar .And u can buy orbs for increasing both .i think they can be bought the the mission menu.
hey dude i`m not racist but sometimes people become racist against me .they are like "how can u be an indian" and stuff like that though i do hv alot of people from out of india as friends.
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