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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is One Mummy That Should Stay Under Wraps!

This is the third Mummy movie and it should be buried in a tomb and hopefully no one will uncover it again in my lifetime.

I highly enjoyed The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, so I had some high expectations for the next Mummy and boy did it disappoint. Brendan Fraser returns as Rick O'Connell and is join by Maria Bello playing his wife Evelyn a role that was played by Rachel Weisz in the first two installments. They are also joined by Luke Ford playing their grown-up son Alex and John Hannah reprising his role as Evelyn's brother Jonathan.

The story takes place in 1946 and involves the resurrection of the newest mummy threat, the evill Han Emperor played by Jet Li. The beginning of the film we see in flashback how Han conquers China and shortly after builds the Great Wall of China, burying the dead of those he had conquered underneath the wall. We also discover his attempt at immortality by enlisting the aid of a witch played by Michelle Yeoh. But instead of performing a spell that will make me live forever, she curses him to spend an eternity in clay. Fast forward to 1946 and that's when a Chinese army general decided to free him to once again conquer China and its up to the O'Connells family along with the witch's 2,000 year old daughter to put a stop to Han's attempt of gaining immortality once again.

Here's what I thought was wrong with the movie. First the performances by the actors seem to be mailed in. I never seen lifeless acting running rampant in any other movie that I have seen in the past. The actors seem bored with the material and even at times their acting came off as forced just to justify collecting a paycheck for this movie. It didn't help much that the dialog in the movie was just horrendous. Several scenes where humor was attempted instead came off being brutal. Secondly the movie several actions sequences just fell flat. It was as if the action sequences were there just to fill out this listless movie which runs at almost two hours.

As I sat there I couldn't help feeling like I was watching a poor man's Indiana Jones but in this case it was more like Indiana Jones on welfare. I say skip this flick and wait for it to come out on network television sometime in the next two years. At least then you can change the channel.

Hey U2! Why Don't You Release Other New Album Already?

Today is Tuesday and that's when usually new music comes out. So I went looking through the new releases section of Best-Buy and I noticed three supposedly new releases from U2. U2 of course is my all time favorite band, they do dominate my Ipod with over 200+ songs,far more than other music group (Pearl Jam is in second place). But upon further inspection I noticed that these new releases was nothing new to me. Instead they were re-releases of U2's first three releases. They were October, War, and Boy. What made them new? Well first they are remastered versions then they all come with a bonus disc of unreleased tracks and finally they all came with a mini book filled with photos! Wow I almost wet myself. Look I'm a huge fan but seriously I do not like when bands feel the need to regurgitate their music over and over again as some lame filler to putting out actual new music. It's just as annoying when they release countless greatest hits albums but included one or two new tracks. There's no need for these endless re-releases and further more all these so-called unreleased tracks, I have them already!! So stop with all this damn nonsense and just release some frigging new music already! WTF!!!

P.S. I'll probably buy those "new" Cd's anyways. I guess that comes with being a huge fan, you have too on occasion to play the part of the sucker.

San Diego Comic Con 08 Highlights

Today was the first day of this year's SDCC 08 and G4 is carrying live coverage, It has become tradition for movie studios to unveiled information, images, and trailers for the first time to the public on upcoming movie projects. Here were a few moments I thought was most interesting to me in this year SDCC 08.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

This movie is slated for a May 1, 2009 released and today footage from the movie was shown for the first time. Unfortunately for us at home we did not get to see any of it but I'm sure it will appear on Youtube pretty soon. This first movie will probably be the first of many to explore the origins of various X-Men and Wolverine is the first character to be chronicled. The movie will explore Wolverine's past and of course the The Weapon X Project. Worry not X-Men's fans, sharing screen time with Logan will be other mutants such as The Blob, Silverfox, Deadpool, Sabretooth, and making his first appearance in a X-Men related movie, Gambit. Hopefully the first trailer will be released soon.

New Robocop announced for 2010 release. Now I'm iffy on this announcement. I love the first Robocop and I was okay-ed with the second one but the third was total garbage. Now they are planning to relaunch or remake the Robocop franchise. I have to wait on more details to be revealed, such as what direction this adaptation of Robocop will incur for me to decide which side of the fence I'm going to be for this new Robocop movie.

G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra is slated for August 9, 2009 release. Now I used to watch this cartoon religiously as a kid and when they announced this movie I was a bit skeptical. My only concern with this movie is if it's going to be too kiddie or is it going to be grown up. I hate to say this but this movie has to lean on the violent and edgier side if it wants to succeed in the box office. The problem with the potential of this movie is that its history is rooted in its merchandise which are marketed mainly towards children. Is this movie ready to grow up without fear of losing potential sales? It'll be interesting to see what rating this movie gets because as a fan if gets a PG rating then to me they will have decided to go soft and thus I will be disappointed and will not see this movie. Only time will tell.

Watchmen is slated for March 6, 2009 released. This movie is definitely first on my must see list for 09. This was a movie that I thought will never be made because the Watchmen's story was too epic to fit in one movie. Now Zach Snyder, the director of "300", has undertaken the great task of bringing Watchmen finally to the big screen and from what I have seen from the first trailer it looks great. I wasn't surprise to hear the movie has a running time close to three hours long because there is too much Watchmen's story that needs to be told on the silver screen.

Banned movie posters revealed! Mirrors starring Kiefer Sutherland had three movie posters rejected by the MPAA. Looking at these photos kind of revealed why. Mirrors is scheduled to hit theaters on August 15, 2008 an you can check out this R rated clip here: Click Here

Reject #1

Reject #2

Reject #3

Saw V teaser trailer on-line! Just when you thought the Saw franchise is winding down out come the newest installment. I hope the fifth one can breathe new life into this series. I thoroughly enjoy the first two installments while the latter two installments suffers from being a bit too stale. Quite frankly the twists are getting out of hand and they seem only to be added at whim to maintain the story's arc. Saw V which hit theaters on October 24 continues the saga of Jigsaw legacy. Click Here to check out the first glimpse of Saw V.

Sony unveils new trailer for its CGI rendered Resident Evil: Degeneration DVD. This new story takes place seven years after the destruction of Raccoon City. I am looking forward to checking out this movie especially since it sticks more with the main characters in the Resident Evil video games rather creating a new character such as "Alice" and making her the main character in the mostly mediocre live action movie versions. This new movie will feature Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy as they fight their way out through an airport infected by the appearance of the T-Virus. The new DVD will be released sometime during the Fall. You can check out the new trailer here: Click Here

Punisher: War Zone is it already in trouble? Rumors coming from this year's Comic Con is that Liongate execs wasn't too happy with the finished product has reportedly dropped the director, Lexi Alexander, from the project and has re-edited the movie because they felt that the movie was too soft. They also replace the original music score with a heavy metal music soundtrack. This is third attempt at bringing The Punisher to the big screen. This is not an sequel rather another re-telling as they would say. Ray Stevenson now assumes the role of The Punisher as he takes on Jigsaw (No, not Saw's Jigsaw). A new 17+ trailer was shown and in it we get our first glimpse of Jigsaw and you can also hear the new heavy metal soundtrack. The movie is set to drop December 5, 2008. Check the trailer here: Click Here

So Many Games, Too Little Cash!

Let the gaming begin as E308 spills the details on a relentless onslaught of glorious games. So many intriguing titles to considered when investing my hard earned money. Let's see whats ahead for us: Fallout 3 SE, Fable 2 LE, Saints Row 2, LEGO Batman, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, Too Human, Star Wars Force Unleashed, Gears of War 2, Silent Hill Homecoming, Mercenaries 2, Dead Space, Left for Dead, Lord of the Rings Conquest, Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy XII, etc, etc, etc. Wow that's a lot of games that I really want to get into my 360. Unfortunately we do not have the capital to get every single game on this list so the hardship of choosing those certain few that we can only get must now commence. Countless hours of deliberations must occur to whittle down the list to those select few that will garner an approval of purchase. We must weigh in rent, food and other life's expenditures in order to preserve our gaming budget. Do I take take up panhandling to offset my costs? Do I sell some of my organs so I can spend hours playing my 360? Should I feed my cat shredded up newspaper to save a couple of bucks on cat food? It's not fair but life comes with difficult choices that we must make every once in awhile. Some title have to wait until time passes that they will become cheaper or perhaps purchased pre-owned. Maybe I get a loan from the bank but is being in debt a worthy price to pay for fabulous gaming nirvana? I guess I have to sleep on that one. Happy Gaming!
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