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sirracannal Blog

Sirra x10(Part 1)

Slyfur walked out of her room, holding a grocery list she wrote. It *was* grocery shopping day, after all. She looked up from it, seeing Jager waving his wand around, while Sirra watched. (Authors note: Don't misunderstand that.) Jager had been working on a spell for the last week.

"Clone!", Jager chanted as he waved the wand in the general direction of a book. Beside it appeared a copy of the bottom half of the book.

Sirra giggled at the magician, "What!? Only half?! It was supposed to copy the whole book!", Jager complained, one hand on his hip, and the other on his forhead.

"You know... I don't think the spell is strong enough, Jager.", Sirra suggested, tying some of her hair in a ponytail.

"Indeed! Why didn't I think of that!?", Jager walked over to his desk, scribbling some stuff down on a piece of paper Slyfur walked further out of her room, re-reading her list.

"Jager, I'm going to the store. You wanna come?", Slyfur asked, waving the list around. She would ask Sirra, but... She didn't like Sirra. That's enough reason to not ask her.

"Nah, I'm working on Clone 2!", the blackhaired boy shouted, lifting his pen into the air.

"You know, you could just call it Clonara, or Clonaga. I think they sound cooler.", Sirra suggested again.

"Yes! Clonaga it is!", the boy yelled, scribbling down "Clonaga" onto the paper. Slyfur rolled her eyes, and made her way to the door, opening it, and walking out.

Slyfur is walking down the sidewalks, holding 3 bags filled with groceries in her arms, 'It's times like these where I wish I had a car'.

She stops at the door belonging to her and her housemates, lightly kicking it. The door flew open slowly, as she pushed herself in. Jager was still writing some stuff down on paper, and Sirra had fallen asleep. Slyfur would admit, Sirra was kind of cute when she was asleep... KIND OF. And it was only in her sleep, and that's if she didn't snore. Or move. Or talk in her sleep. This was one of the few times Sirra didn't do any of those things.

The brown haired girl rolled her eyes, walking through the living room, into the kitchen. She put away the food she had bought, and pulled out the ponytail in her hair as she made her way to her room. She walked past the red-haired housemate, noticing that she was starting to drool.

'Ugh, she better not get that on the couch...'

The woman closed her room's door, popping a Breaking Benjamin CD into the stereo beside her bed. She cranked the volume up a bit, enjoying the music. After only a few moments into 'Evil Angel', she had drifted into sleep.

"JAGER! What the hell!?!", Slyfur threw her eyes open, hearing combined voices.

"Aha! Ahahaha! This is wonderful!"

"How the hell is this wonderful, Jager!?"

The woman pushed herself up, her hair falling into her face. She wipedherarms over her eyes, pushing herself up, then looking at the clock. 7:47 AM.Slyfur walked to her door, pulling it open.

Any other time, she would've simply put a pillow over her head to block out Sirra's voice, but this time... This time, she was gonna kick Sirra's ass... Figuratively AND literally.

Or, at least, she would've... But she was greeted by something she didn't expect, nor did she ever hope it would happen...

10 Sirra's, walking about the living room. Jager was dancing around with one of the Sirra's, twirling her, and dragging her about the room. This Sirra was quite dumbfounded.

"Hahahaha! The spell is a sucess!!!", the young magician shouted, throwing his arms into the air.

Slyfur looked on, shocked.

"Jager... What did you do!?", Slyfur yelled, walking to the middle of the room.

The Sirra on the couch sobbed loudly, while another rolled her eyes. The one leaning on the door crossed her arms, trying(and failing) to hide a glare.

"What do you think he did!? He cloned us!!", the clone shouted, tossing her arms up in frustration.

The brown haired woman sighed. She knew she should've stayed in bed...

And so Sirra's no-yaoi streak ends...

... by the hands of Dead Rising 2 :x

I may like Leon Kennedy, but I DISPISE Leon Bell! :x

I played Dead Rising 2 today... I got to a certain part of the game, only to find that they put in a cutscene that caused me to get mental images, which caused me to think about yaoi, which caused to look up yaoi! :cry:

I would provide a link the cutscene, but... I'd probably get modded for it or something :lol:

Anyway, I'm enjoying DR2. I've gotten pretty far, and have rescued quite alot of survivors 8)

They made survivors alot smarter in this game. I don't have to worry about them running into a group of zombies, then not being able to get away :roll:

Of course, Zombies grab me alot easier for some odd reason... :|

And GameStop's being a pain in the ass with the pre-order bonus! I went in, they didn't give me a code, so I called yesterday, and they gave me one over the phone. It wouldn't work on the marketplace, so I called them again today. They said they'd give me a new code, but they couldn't give it out over the phone because it was for an M-rated game! So now, I have to have dad take me back out there on Friday, simply because they changed their minds about giving one over the phone :roll:

Argh, it's getting cold here in Oklahoma. I had to wear my leather jacket for oncethis year:x

But, hey, cold weather just means mom's gonna take me to buy more turtleneck sweaters! :D

... Of course, it also means I'm gonna turn into a Katesicle on Halloween :roll:

Ooh, speaking of Halloween, I'm gonna get to go trick-or-treating with an absolutely adorable Iron Man :oops: My nephew, Jeral, picked out an Iron Man costume at Wal-Mart, and tried it on. He looked adorable :oops:

Aaron has yet to tell me what he's going as. I bet he's gonna go as Master Chief, JUST to see if I'll kick him in the crotch :x

I'm gonna dress up my dog for Halloween, too :P

Oh, and in Dead Rising 2, Rebecca Chang and Stacey Forsythe are hot :oops: "Sirra, didn't you just say in your last blog you thought Chuck Greene was hot? :o" Yes, yes I did. Problem?Didn't think so :x :P

ALSO... I want to say an apology to Out-Of-Ammo for editing on of his messages in NKHSU.I just got really irritated with the whole "My Logic Pwns" stuff, even though I shouldn't have...:|

I have nothing else to say right now...


Pizza out, Home Skittles! :oops:

I am back

Because I got everything under control! :D I pretty much gave the ones who were getting me down a giant"**** YOU!!!" :P

So, I'm back! But probably won't be posting much... I picked up Dead Rising 2 today, ya see...

Chuck Greene is hot, even if he wasn't intended to be:P I really don't think Capcom is capable of making a maincharacter I don't find attractive in some way :|

Frank West, even. He was supposed to be the ugly. Which is true :| I thought he had an attractive body, though :roll:

Back on original topic, I am back! But if I go missing again, be assured I'm just off playing DR2 :P

I got a pre-order bonus with DR2, as well. It was an in-game Ninja outfit :|

Anyway, see you guys around!!! 8)

Oh, and me, Ammoand Slyfur got into an arguement on YT which also upset me, and it ended up with Sentinus getting involved. Still, no hard feelings between any of us anymore, we all got it straightened out as well 8)

Well... Me, Ammo and Sentinus have, anyway. Not sure about Fur...:|

Guess what? I'm not gonna be posting for a while.

Not in a couple of unions, anyway. I won't be posting in The Catz Clan, The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union,The Sims Lovers, and possibly a few others. I don't know how long this'll last, but I have my reasons.

If anyone from those unions wants to talk to me, you'll have to go on YouTube or send me a PM. YouTube is preferred, but don't try to be annoying, 'kay? I have hadenough of that this week. My YouTube is:

Likely, no one from those unions will really notice I'm gone. The only unions I'll be trying to post in will be The Academy of Souls and The Gears of War Universe.

Either way, something happened recently, and now I just need some time to cool down. You know, how this usually happens to me. Besides, Dead Rising 2 is being released tomarrow. I could use some time to play it.

And now, for a question:

Why do people treatothers who have done nothing horrible to them like trash? Furthermore, why do they always hate someone who is only a little different than them, oronly a little different than someone they like?


Yes. Bored. Sirra is bored.

I'm at dad's house, and I didn't bring my PS2, my Xbox 360, my PSP, DS... Nothing. Though I am considering picking up that Wiimote, since it's here...

I've been listening to some CDs. I got new CDs recently. Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster(Again, shut up :x ... I like Bad Romance, Alejandro, and Telephone :|), 3 Doors Down's Away From The Sun, and I'm borrowing Green Day's American Idiot from Aaron. But, I am still bored.

I may do some writing on TGL, but I cannot think of anything for it at this moment. 52(and counting)parts to a story takes alot of ideas from you, ya know! :x

The final chapters of TGL are already planned out,so that's good 8)

I've gotten part of Sirra x10 done.

Dead Rising 2 is coming out tomarrow. I have the pre-order, but my receipt got messed up. If they decide to give me problems over it, I'm boycotting GameStop -_____-

On Dead Rising 1, I've gotten to Level 44. I've yet to complete the story, and I still have to clear some other achievements as well :roll:

And now, for thePissed-Off Sirra part of the blog.


No, seriously. I dispise him. I don't care if he's trying to "joke", I don't care what everyone's trying to convince me to think of him, he's already gotten so far into my bad books, it's not even funny.

He always says and does **** to piss me off, knowing they'll just make my angry. ALWAYS.

About a month or two ago, he hit something everyone knows I'm very sensitive about, even he did at the time. He said with my eating habits, I'm gonna get fat. He knows NOTHING about my eating habits, other than the fact that I eat McDonald's and junk food(which is only every now-and-then anyway), so he needs to shut the hell up about this in the first place, and especially when this is something sensitive for me.

Then, he calls me LAZY. I am not lazy. I excersise for at least 2 hours a day, I clean the house, and I plant flowers when I get the chance to. He only ever sees me when I'm worn out, and trying to rest and relax. That is another thing he needs to shut up on.

Then, he INSULTS MY HAIR, claiming it looks fake, like I'm wearing a wig. He said this FIVE TIMES IN A ROW, while I was looking for a wig at Wal-Mart with him and mom.

When I told mom about this, she said he was joking.Even if it *is* just jokes, he should know when he's going too damn far and when he shouldn't be "joking" in the first place. You do not joke about something someone is sensitive about, and you don't repeat a "joke" no one finds funny, and simply is offending someone. And even so, I don't think he's joking, I think he's just trying to make it seem like he is.

I don't care if mom and her friends think he's a "nice, sweet, caring guy". I appreciate his work on our yard, but I don't and probably never will appreciate these "jokes" of his. Especially not when all of his so-called "jokes" revolve around me, and are always insults.

And as much as I'd like to avoid him, I can't. Any time me and mom go somewhere(like the fair, the lake, amusement parkect.), he usually comes with us. It's getting on my nerves.


My point is, I don't like him. He says stuff that hurts me, and then tries to pass it off as joking. And it seems to be working on mom, because every timeI talk to her about it, she says he was joking. Even then, he's going too far if he's joking.

Death of Silence

Hello, Home Skittles 8)

So, I had another dream last night. It was me posting in the Catz Clan, and talking to Aidan and Out-Of-Ammo. Ammo said something about a fairy, and Aidan said "Fairy!? :D ........... I'm gonna turn it into brocoli.". It was normal and weird :|

Anyway, the title of this blog means something!

Death of Silence is the name of my new band I'm creating! It's gonna be a Punk Rock band, with a hint of Screamo 8)

... I need to find band members, though :roll:

So far, I've got... Uhhhh... Me :|

Kate Breske - Bassist and Harmony/Backing vocals 8)

I only really want a three member band, a guitarist who can sing, or a drummer that can sing.But, I am not picky. 4 band members is still fine 8)

I still need to buy the bass I want,though. Only 100 dollars away 8)

Recent dreams

Okay, over the course of the month, I've had a good few dreams. Some in the same night, some at other times. So far, I have been attempting to teach myself Dream Recall. However, it only works sometimes, and other times I wake up and remember nothing.


I was walking in the living room, when the back door to my house opened. Mikey, Joel and David(My brothers)walk in, and I walk up to give them a hug. I gain partially control over the dream, as when I saw Mikey, his hair was messed up drastically, and I knew it was a dream(Mikey doesn't let his hair get too messed up). Dad woke me up at this point.


I was in a super market with a black haired girl(whom I didn't know). There was a bald guy, wearing a hat and Buddy Holly glasses who was selling "Black Apple Slices". Said apple slices looked like apples that had black fabric on them, and they were also covered in what looked to be gold glitter, along with... apple sauce, I wanna say :?. Anyway, as me and the girl walk past, she grabsa handful of them, and starts eating them. The guy looks mad, then pulls out a framed fabric painting of a poodle.

He yells "This is the perfect item for stupid spoiled brats!", and the picture started barking. And no matter where me and this girl went in the market, we could hear the painting loud and clear :x

I was disappointed by this dream, because the girl was cute, and I wanted to know her name! :cry: ... Perhaps she told me and I simply forgot it when I woke up :|

DREAM 3: I forgot a majority of this dream. Though I am sure it involved racing of some sort, as well as me/someone spinning on a round poolfloaty :? :lol:


I forgot part of thisdream, aside from it took place at my dad's house. It was night, and I was laying on my bed. I couldn't sleep because there was a bright light outside my window. So I stood up and walked over to the window to look out. Almost instantly, I was blinded by a bright light, which was being done by movie/photo lighting equipment. I said "Oh, dad must be using the lights again."

Dad's back yard looked MUCH smaller and MUCH smoother than it actually does.

So I shrugged, and went back to bed. However, I was then interrupted by a loud mechanical noise. Again, I went to look out. I saw this giant crane/tractor thing, that kept picking up, and dropping a rock. (How the **** did I not notice this thing the first time I looked outside? :lol: ), so, I went back to sleep.


This dream happened right after Dream #4.

I saw Aunt Hilda(From Shane Dawson's YouTube videoes, FYI) and a bunch of other people(Who I believe were the people in The Academy of Souls). They were looking at paintings, which were all laid outon a table,when Aunt Hilda pulls up a painting of a cartoonish-drawn muffin, which looked like it had a wooden chairpainted on top of the muffin.

So she said "... Why is there are chair painted on this muffin? Is that a chair?"

Everyone else picked up up drawings and pointed out some flaws, but I forgot the commentary here :|

Feel free to try to interpret these dreams for me :D

Attack of the Bunnies!!!

So, for some reason, when I woke up, I had a rush of ideas, waiting to be written :o

-Sirra x10. A spell Jager casts goes horribly wrong!
-Acting Like a Child. WhenFur and Sirra wonder around their father's basement, an accidentoccurs that may just flip the roles!
-Death Comes to the Undeserving.AKingdom Hearts based oneshot.One of the greatest Heartless-slayingpartiesare killed in action.
-Air Conditioning. Never stick Victor and Kate in the same room. Especially not when it's Summer.
-Songfic: When I'm Gone. Sirra talks to Aaron about her love for him.
-Pigtails. Mikey's about to cut his hair. Kate wants to put it in pigtails for at least one time before he does so.
-Not Like Solid Snake. Sirra gets ahold of a cardboard box. What does she do with it? Well, all the video games have finally gone to her head...
-Destined to Fight. 10 years have passed since Sora defeated Xemnas. Heartless arestill surfacing. People are being picked to go to battle. Sora decides to recruit three teenagers who are more than willing to go. But will they be up for everything in store?
-Children of War. Even at the small age of 4, 5, and 6their parents knew they'd be destined to fight the Heartless.(WAAAAAAYbefore to Death Comes to the Undeserving and Destined to Fight)

See?! See!??! :o

As you can see, 3 of these are based on Kingdom Hearts :|

The Great Legend Part 52

"Sly, who can we prank? Of our friends, anyway?", Ammo asked. Surely, he would find out something from her answer to this.

"Uhhhh...", the woman put a hand on her chin, "Sessu, Reiko... Aidan, Courtney...", Sly started thinking again, moving to cross her arms.

Ammo frowned.

"Soul, Shin, Sentinus... Serenity, Mental and Dark Wolf. That's all.", She finished, uncrossing her arms. Ammo looked in disbelief. She named everyone except Sirra. Did she have amnesia? Or was he just insane? It had to be amnesia.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, "What about Sirra? Why haven't you named her?", Ammo asked, crossing his arms. The usual 'goof-ball' now looked utterly serious. Sirra may be his rival, she may be crazy, and hell, she may even be evil. But she was still his friend. He wasn't going to forget about her easily.

"I already said, I don't know who that is.", the woman glared, crossing her arms.

"What?!", Ammo walked towards Sly, grabbing her shoulders. He didn't believe what was going on. He started shaking her. "You have to remember her!"

Sly's glare quickly turned worse. She lifted her hand pulling it back. Ammo knew what was going to happen, but he didn't stop, or try to avoid it. Her hand slammed painfully across his face. He let go of her shoulders involunteerily, falling backwards and slamming to the ground with a pained grunt. He had never been hit by Sly before, and now he knew just how strong she was.

"Ammo, you idiot, can't you just take a hint!? I don't know who the hell she is, and probably never will!", the brown-haired woman yelled, standing over Ammo. He started pushing himself away from her, but before the man could get too far, she slammed her foot into Ammo's face, no doubt breaking his nose. Any other time, Ammo would've tried to talk Sly out of doing something like this. But this time, it was him getting beaten. He doubted he could do anything to stop her.

She grabbed his hair, dragging him up painfully, followed by slamming her fist into his left cheek. Ammo yelled in pain, falling back down to the ground.

Ammo wiped the blood from his face, pushing himself back up. He was quickly thrown back down when Sly slammed her foot ontop of his back, laughing sadistically, "Ahahahaha! You're pathetic!"

The black-haired man laid uselessly on the ground, not believing what was happening. But, he quickly came back to reality when he heard the sound of a sword being drawn from its sheath. He pushed against Sly's leg, lifting up a bit, before spinning around, sweeping the woman's legs from beneath her. When he stood up, he saw that she was holding her sword, just as he expected.

"Sly, why are you acting this way all of a sudden?!", Ammo shouted,sweat streaming down his face, mixing with the blood as it dripped off of his face. Sly stood up, using her sword as leverage. She looked even angrier than before.

"Because you're an idiot!", Sly yelled, pulling her sword from the ground, and running towards Ammo. When she felt she was close enough, she swung her blade wildly. Ammo managed to shift out of the way, but was still cut across the chest once. He covered up the new wound, and turned, running away. If there was one advantage he had, it was speed. Sly chased after him, brandishing her sword.

Ammo didn't want to run away, but he had to. He didn't have his wepon on him. He would have to find one before he could fight Sly Fur, because he didn't stand a chance if he used his fists. The bruises he now suffered were proof of that. He quickly started to get tired, but the brown-haired woman had not.

'Dammit! How can I get away from her? I can't outrun her, I can't fight her... What am I supposed to do?!', The man thought. He looked ahead, to see a town ahead, 'Ah-ha! Maybe I can trick her!'

Ammo sped up as fast as he could, running into the town. He took a sharp turn into an alley in an attempt to lose the female that was chasing him, but she followed with ease. Every turn he took, she followed. The only thing it was proving useful to do is to wear him down. He jumped over some barrels, followed by a small bail of hay.

"Ammo, you can't run forever!", Sly yelled, jumping over the bail of hay.

"Yeah, well neither can you, Sly!!", Ammo yelled back, but he really wished he wouldn't have, as it took some of the air from his lungs. He jumped onto a cart, and jumped out again. Sly got stuck, but was starting to climb over. He continued running, and started to outrun the woman. "Finally...", he muttered.

Though he was finally starting to outrun her, he did something he would regret for the remainder of his life; he tripped over something.

"Dammit!", Ammo shouted as he went down. He turned to see what tripped him. To his suprise, below his feet laid a wooden bow. His wepon. He picked it up, pushing himself hastily from the ground in the process. Sly was catching up, so he ran. He reached to his back to pull out an arrow, before he realized he had never had any arrows on him. He frowned at this.

His running was quickly interrupted, as he felt something sharp being dug into the skin on his shoulder. He let out a small whimper as it did so, and let out a grunt when he pulled it out.

What he held in his hand now was one of Sly's throwing knives.

'A knife... I can use this!'

"I will catch you, Ammo!", the female yelled, readying another knife.

"Ha! Good luck!", Ammo started balancing the knife on the string of his bow. 'I hope this works...', Ammo turned around, running backwards, and pulling back on the string and the knife. He took careful aim towards Sly. The tip of the knife started to shine as she got closer.

Ammo let go of the string, sending the knife soaring, "GOOOOO!!!"

Sly stopped, falling to her knees as the knife lodged into her chest, and into her heart, "Ammo... Why?!", Sly cried, pulling the knife out. Blood gushed forth, staining her clothes and the ground beneath her.

"You aren't Sly. I know that now. Sly would never do this to a friend, even if she was mad.", Ammo frowned, walking away.

"Ammo, wait!", the illusion yelled, grabbing onto him. Blood still continued to flowed down her chest. Ammo stopped and turned back towards Sly.

"Take this.", she touched the regular wooden bow. The archer covered his eyes as a light shined. When he looked back to his wepon, he found not wood, but black metal.

His bow still felt light and easy to lift, but looked quite alot different. On top of the new metal, it was decorated with jewels of red, and a single line of silver down the middle. Though he was amazed by the new look, he was still wondering something. "This is metal... Why does it feel so light?"

"I have enchanted it. It will always looks heavy, but it never will be.", the illusion explained, fading.

"Thank you."

Ammo woke up. Though everyone else was relieved, Sessu was even more worried; Reiko hasn't awakened yet. She was the last one. What if she's trapped? What if she doesn't wake up? Sessu crossed his arms tighter across his chest, worry overcoming him.

Whew, long update.:|