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sirracannal Blog

SCS Video's in progress...

I got sick of having to listen to 'School's Out',so I'm currently making the SCS OCs on SC3 Create-a-Soul :D,I'm also going to try and work on some other stuff for SCS,because I try to check SCS daily!SCS is currently on the Eighth Topic :O a few of the threds got deleted,but still,eight topics so far :) and it's all due to Sentinus333,Se_Ryan,yohanjr,Menta_Gear,and everyone else on SCS! LONG LIVE SOUL CALIBUR SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

My Brawl Progress

So far I have 420 Trophies, 570 Stickers,in Challenges,I have 92 boxes open all the way,27 that show what I have to do to get them opened,and 10 that are still blie and I don't know what I have to do to unlock them.234 songs unlocked.All stages are unlocked,all characters unlocked.

As for stuff not to do with unlocking:

Number of times Brawl has been turned on: 88

Power Time: 163 Hours,36 Minutes.

Amount of Time Spent in Matches: 92 Hours,59 Minutes.

Amount of Time Spent in SSE: 31 Hours,59 Minutes.

SSE Play Time Times the Number of Players: 32 Hours, 2 Minutes.

Total Play Time in Solo Mode: 78 Hours,46 Minutes.

Solo Mode Play Time Times the Number of Players: 78 Hours, 51 Minutes.

Total Play Time in Gruop Mode: 14 BHours,13 Minutes.

Group Mode Play Time Times the Number of Players: 26 Hours, 30 Minutes.

Total vs. Matches,including Nintendo WFC Matches: 355

Total Number of Offline Vs. Matches: 355

Total Number of Online Vs. Matches With Friends or Anyone: 0

Total Play Time For All Online Matches With Friends: 0 Hours,0 Minutes.

Total Play Time For All Online Matches With Anyone: 0 Hours,0 Minutes.

Number of Times I've Watched Other Matches: 0.

Total Number of Time Matches Played: 28.

Total Number of Stock Matches Played:106.

Total Number of Coin Matchs Played: 11.

Total Number of Brawls From All Players: 484.

Total Number of Times I've Ended a Match Early: 43.

Total Damage Recieved By All Characters: 174091.

Total Number of Oppenents K.O.'d: 1342.

Total Number of Self-Destructs: 243.

Total Number of Names Registered: 5.

Total Number of People On Friend Roster: 0.

Character Played The Longest: Link.

Character Played Second Longest: Marth

Least Played Character: R.O.B

Character With The Most Wins: None.

Character With The Most Losses: None.

Character Who Has Dealt Out The Most Damage: Link.

Character Who Has Taken the Most Damage: Zelda.

Character That Has The Most K.O.s in Brawls: Samus.

Character Who Has Falls In Brawls: Snake.

Character Who has The Most Self-Destructs In Brawls: Captain Falcon.

I got KH: Re: Chain of Memories!*Possible spoilers*

Yeah,I got it.I CANNOT get past Wonder Land at my current level(8-10).I need some better cards,everytime I play a card under 7-8 the Queen of Hearts Cards Card Break me.It's getting annoying,I like it so far though.I can't wait till Birth by Sleep though!t looks so fun! Aqua looks cool!I can't wait to play s a female for once in the series!I also got Star Wars: Clone Wars LightSaber Duels,it's pretty fun,but in my opinion it takes a little too long to beat someone.