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sithforever Blog


i just made a union, anyone who wants 2 join, do so now, it's the prince of persia, dane cook, spawn, ninja gaiden, and blink-182 union, were located under games- fan clubs


i finally got a new favorite band.... blink-182, oh yeah, they rock! prolly b/c i sound just like the lead im serious its scary how much were alike

girl probs

gf gone, steven sad.... i cant eat or sleep, or do nething, i miss her, but only a week til she comes back.

yeah if nebody else has or has had the same problem, i no wat u feel,/felt. and it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


That's like the best movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if neone else likes it lemme no cuz i think it'd b a good union !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously if neone wants 2 help me make a spawn or prince of persia union let me no plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i finally beat ninja gaiden, holy crap it's hard! especially the skele-bird thingy , but it's a good game


i love that cd, it's awesome, sum 41 is awesome 2, if nebody has ne ? about them or ne of their cd's i'm ur man
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