skatefreak22's forum posts
hey guys i am goin to GameStop and trading 7 games in. (GTA IV,NFS PS,ObLIVION,far cry,blazing angels,tony hawk p8,and AC) so i should get about 120 dollars US money so i am gettin the new game GRID and what else should i get??????
i have CoD4,Halo3,FEAR,Madden and SKATE......
i like shooting, racing, and action....
ps.dont give me the SELL IT ON EBAY stuff PLEASE!!!!!!!
hey guys i was just wandering what are some good racing games on the 360? i had Forza2 but did not care for it and Burnout i cant afford right now. I have NFS ProStreet but i just want a new game..... i have been looking at PGR4 is that a pretty good racin game? i played the 3rd and it is pretty good but i want to know what u guys think....
hey guys i was wanderin if any1 has regretted buyin GTA 4 like me??? i mean it is a great game but i would have rented it then bought just got SO BORING!!!! i maen doin the ssme thing over and over like CoD4 (great game though) and i have been a GTA fan since the 4rd but i am not into this one......
i know call me crazy.
hey guys i own skate and it is an amazing game but with that should i pick up tony hawk proving ground??? i dont know how it is and i was just wanderin to buy it or not....
ya man u should defenently pick it up and pick up the GAME OF THE YEAR edition too so u have the NEW maps......
my gamertag is MOTOBIKE22 so if u want to play add me......
hey guys i just got skate. and i cant believe how good it is!!! i mean ya the camera u have to get used to but it is way better then tony hawk.......i really like how it is much more challening then tony hawks button mashing system.......
just thought i would share the news
hey whats up guys i was playing CoD4 on my 360 recently and i was bored so i looked at the leaderboards for around the world and someone has played 62 DAYS of IT!!!!!!!! thats INSANE!!!!! when i see that i just think that those people have to get a life cuz i have only played 4 days of it!!!!! i mean that is like nothing compared to 62 and just think 62 is 2 months so holy crap that is alot!!!!!!!
what do u guys think??????
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