@emperiox So, you're trying to say that Nintendo is lame for milking their known successes, and that Sony and Microsoft aren't guilty of the same? Please... Hell, Sony and Microsoft have fewer first party and exclusive games than Nintendo anyway. Your rant is ridiculous. You sound like a butt-hurt, former fanboy/girl that caved to his/her friend's taunting about how he/she still enjoys playing Nintendo games while everyone else "grew up" and started playing X-Box and PlayStation. News Flash: Nintendo still makes fun games, and third parties still make fun games for Nintendo systems. They're not as frequent as they had been in past generations, but they're there. I have my doubts about how well they will do this generation too, but I'm not going to hold memorials services before we even see how well this plays out. Every generation is different. Who would have thought PlayStation would finish last in console sales after the PS2 became the highest selling console of all time? Who thought X-Box would come out on top in spite of its early popularity problems outside of the US? The next generation is wide open, and Nintendo can still surprise us. Quit being such a Negative Nancy.
I don't think Sony or Microsoft will be making as big of a jump as they did this past generation. I think they're going to make the systems more powerful, yes. However, I don't think they will do it in the same way that caused their systems to be so expensive this generation. I wouldn't be surprised to see their new consoles sold at a $299.99 or lower. We aren't going to see $400 - $600 consoles we saw in 2005 and 2006.
As long as handheld gaming has a market, it won't die. It's clear that handheld systems are still selling, and people enjoy portable gaming. Yes, we all like to have a little fun with Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja from time to time. However, using my phone for gaming has some definite down sides. I like to save the battery life on my smartphone for what it was originally intended for, networking and phone calls. As soon as a game is played, the battery life takes a hit. If I play games on my phone like I do on my 3DS, I have to charge it every 3-4 hours. I know that's usually how often I have to charge my 3DS, but my 3DS is a dedicated game system. I can afford to not have it on my person at all times. My phone, on the other hand, is my only source of communication when I'm not at home, and is my only phone. Like many others, I opted out of home phone service, because it no longer makes sense. So, for practicality's sake, I'm going to say that portable gaming should stick to dedicated handheld systems.
Why do so many people still think (especially on a gaming new website) that the 3DS isn't a more powerful system than the DSi? This comment is based on comments I've seen in this thread. You must really not be paying attention at all, if you still think the 3DS is just a 3D DS. It's far more graphically capable.
skateryanboarde's comments