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Back from Ottawa- Update on the Book Club

Hey, so I'm back from Ottawa and I had a pretty good trip. :)

So the book club starts tommorow. The first book is Catch-22, then it will be Lord of the Flies. The winners of the second round of voting are Tale of Two Cities, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Bad Twin, The Third Policeman, Of Mice and Men

Here's the complete outline of how it will work...

  • June 20th- July 3rd:Catch-22
  • July 5th- July 18th: Lord of the Flies
  • Take a two week break due to the release of the new Harry Potter book and the many people who will want to read it (me included )
  • August 1st-August 15th: Carrie
  • August 16th- August 29th: Through the Looking Glass
  • August 30th- September 12th:AWrinkle inTime
  • September 13th- September 26th:A Tale of Two Cities
  • September 27th- October 10th:To Kill a Mocking Bird
  • October 11th- October 24th: Bad Twin
  • October 25th- November 8th: The Third Policeman
  • November 9th- November 21st: Of Mice and Men
  • November 23rd- December 5th: Book 11
  • December 6th- December 15th: Book 12 *This would be a short book, as it would only be a bit over a week
  • Take a 2 week break because of holidays (Christmas, New Years...)
  • January 3rd- January 16th: Book 13
  • January 17th- January 30th- Book 14
  • I'm going to have to last round of voting at a latter date.

    Leaving for Ottawa

    Hey, so I'm leaving to Ottawa on a class trip in about 20 minutes. Theres no internet acess there so I won't be on line for the next week. So I'll talk you all in 6 days. :) Remember to keep up the voting, and start searching for those books cause the book club starts soon. :)

    Relay For Life, Light a Candle

    ***The second round of voting is still open in my last blog, if you havn't voted yet, please go do so now***

    Okay, so as some of youthat live in Canada or the States mayknow, this month there is something very important going on, it's called the Relay For Life, to support the Canadian (and American) Cancer Soceity, and those of have passed awaydue to cancer. Fot those of you who do not know what this is, bacically, people sponser different people from their comunity to stay up all nightany walk around a set track, and all the money goes to cancer reaserche. People buy luminaries for cancer survivors, or for those who have survived cancer. Thegoal is to keep the candles burning all night long, they repreasent hope for those who are fighting with cancer. It's always something thats very important to me, because I'm a cancer survivor, and it's important to never give up trying to find a cure, or to stop fighting, because sometimes all we have is our hope. So please, sometime tonight, light a candle.

    Second Round of Voting (for Books)

    Hey guys, so sorry for the delay for this, my exams are going on right now so I've been studing like crazy. So the winners of the last vote are Catch-22, Lord of the Flies, Carrie, Through the Looking Glass and A Wrinkle in Times. The votes worked out really good too, there were no ties. So here's the second round of voting, same rules as the last time... :)

    • After all these Years 
    • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
    • Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret
    • Bad Twin
    • A Brief History of Time
    • Dirty Work
    • The Epic of Gilgamesh
    • Evil Under the Sun
    • The Fountainhead  
    • Heart of Darkness
    • Hindsight
    • Island
    • Julius Caesar
    • Jurassic Park
    • Lancelot
    • Laughter in the Dark
    • The Moon Pool
    • The Mysterious Island
    • Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
    • The Odyssey
    • Of Mice and Men
    • Our Mutual Friend
    • The Outsiders
    • Rainbow Six
    • Stranger in a Strange Land
    • A Tale of Two Cities
    • The Third Policeman
    • To Kill a Mockingbird
    • The Turn of the Screw
    • Watership Down
    • The Wizard of Oz

    Start the voting :D


    So this week I have all my exams :(, which means I'm going to be studing even more, so I probably won't be online a whole lot for the next little while. Anyways, I have to get to school, bye bye.  

    2ed Round of Voting

    Hey guys, so the winner of the last vote is choice #1, my blog, although it was very close between that and the forums. So now its time to vote for the first round of books. This is how it will work, you vote for 2 books this round, and 2 books only. The top 5 book at the end of this round will be the first 5 books that we read. Last vote, it was a bit hard to figure out that some people were voting for cause they put multiple votes, so if you could please put "My votes are for _______ and _______", it would make it so much easier to count the votes. There are a few book that I took out of the list, such as the Bible, The Brothers Karamazov, Harry Potter and I Ching. So here's the list of books....


    • After all these Years 
    • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
    • Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret
    • Bad Twin
    • A Brief History of Time
    • Carrie
    • Catch-22
    • Dirty Work
    • The Epic of Gilgamesh
    • Evil Under the Sun
    • The Fountainhead  
    • Heart of Darkness
    • Hindsight
    • Island
    • Julius Caesar
    • Jurassic Park
    • Lancelot
    • Laughter in the Dark
    • Lord of the Flies
    • The Moon Pool
    • The Mysterious Island
    • Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
    • The Odyssey
    • Of Mice and Men
    • Our Mutual Friend
    • The Outsiders
    • Rainbow Six
    • Stranger in a Strange Land
    • A Tale of Two Cities
    • The Third Policeman
    • Through the Looking-Glass
    • To Kill a Mockingbird
    • The Turn of the Screw
    • Watership Down
    • The Wizard of Oz
    • A Wrinkle in Time

    Here is a link to where it lists all the book and there authors, if you look under each book, it will say "wikipedia link", click on that to get a full description of the book. Start Voting! :)


    So this week wasn't all that great, mostly cause of my computer problems, my exams are coming up in 2 weeks, so I'm studying like crazy. I went to see Pirates last night and I loved it! An amazing movie! I wrote this down realy quick after seeing it, "To laugh so hard that your stomach hurts, to cry so much you think your eyes will swell shut, to be so scared that you just want to cover your face with your hands and hide forever. To feel these three things with in the limits of two and a half hours is an amazing thing, and very few movies ever acheive it. But this one did. It is nothing, and it is everything, but the clasic and ultimate story of good vs evil, man vs fate, and the notion that love concures all." Kind of cheesy eh? Oh well, it's a great movie. :)


    edit: so its like midnight now, and i'm bored out of my mind, and i want to go to bed, but i can't cause i'm at someones elses house babysitting, and i've still got 2 more hours to go. im so tired that i cant even find it in me to press the shift button to capitalize my letters.... now thats sad. oh, its now been sunday, may 27 2007 for 7 minutes. :P god, i feel like im gonna fall asleep in my chair right now, and theres no one on msn to talk to... so if theres anyine out there who really has nothing better to do with there time, go ahead and add me cause i really need to talk to someone, its, yes, i know, very strange email, i picked it when i was like 10 and i havn't changed it yet. god, coffee would be so nice right now! im stuck with water and orange juice.... i hate orange juice :| especially that stuff with the little things at the bottom, i cant remember what there called, i think it starts with a p. oh well. please, if anyone reads this in the next 2 hours, please comment or add, i need something to do so i dont collapse.

    I'm so sad

    I'm so sad right now cause Wednesday night at like 11 my computer totally crashed and it only started working again today. Every single thing that was saved on my computer is earased, everythings gone. I literally started crying, I'm still so sad. I also missed the Lost Finale Chat, which I had been looking forward to for like a month. :cry: I'll try to put up the next round of voting somethime later today or tomorrow. I'm rewatching the Jacket Kiss on repeat right now, so thats helping me cheer up a bit...

    I'm back and Voting for the Book Club Starts

    Hey guys, I'm back, and I had a great time on my trip. So, I knoe I said that voting for the book choices would start on Monday, but I decsided to oush that back a few days and vote for were we have the discussions now. So here are the choices....

    1. We have all the discussions on my blog
    2. We rotate blogs, a diferent person hosts it each week
    3. We open a new acount and we use that to have all the discussions, we would take turns posting the blogs, etc...
    4. We have them on the Lost forums (I already asked Sabot)

    So I think I have all the options, but if I forgot one, just tell me and I'll add it to the list. :)

    Voting stops once everyone has voted. 


    Edit- (no spoilers) Ok, so I just read the HUGE spoilers for the finale, even though I had promised not to read them, but OMFG!!!!! That has to be the biggest thing to ever happen on Lost!!!! I almost started hyperventilating after reading them! So for all you people who are trying to decide if you should read them, DON'T!!!! You will so regret it, I so wish that I had never read them because they are THAT HUGE! Lost is never going to be the same after this finale. SO DON'T READ THEM!!!! That is your last warning, so if you do decide to read them, make sure you have someone next to you ready to call 911. Only 2 days till the finale, don't give into them, it's much better to leave them a surprise. And for all you people saying they don't want another Jack-back, wash your mouth out with soap, cause this is gonna be the bast f***ing episode ever!


    Edit #2- I would put this in a new blog, but i want to wait till everyone has votes until I make a new one... so here is a little banner that I made really fast....


    Edit #3- So I just created a new acount (just in case i ever get banner :P) and I tried to post on the forums, but when I ever I try it tells me that I'm no autherized to submite messeges on these boards. Have any idea what thats about?

    Another little day trip...

    Hey there. Just wanted to tell you that I'm going on another little 2 day trip, this time to Moncton. I'm going for a band trip (aka my teacher's exceuse to get us out of school and to a mall with more then 2 stores :P). I'm leaving in about an hour, and I'll be back on Saturday morning. And they have a bookstore there!!! :D :D I'm gonna try and get s few of the Lost books while I'm there. Anyways, I've got to get going, I'll talk to you guys on Saturday. Bye Bye xxxx

    Info for the Lost Book Club. ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ.

    Okay, so I am SO happy that I had so many people sign up for the book club, which means that it is most defiantly a go! I've been thinking a lot about how it's going to work, and I want all of your guys input on this, this is what I was thinking... It will either start on June 6th, 20th or 27th.  I'm kind of leaning to the 20th or 27th though cause of my exams (which I have yet to study for :S).

    We would be reading 1 book over a 2 weeks period. I know some of you still have work to go to, and some people go on vacation or day trips during the summer, so I thought 2 weeks would good. Plus, some people are slow at reading, and some of the books are rather long to read in one week.

    f we started on June 20th, this is how I was think we could do it, (again, tell we what you think, this is just a rough estimate that will probably be change a lot depending on what everyone wants)-


    • June 20th- July 3rd: Book 1
    • July 5th- July 18th: Book 2
    • Take  a two week break due to the release of the new Harry Potter book and the many people who will want to read it (me included :D)
    • August 1st-August 15th: Book 3
    • August 16th- August 29th: Book 4
    • August 30th- September 12th: Book 5
    • September 13th- September 26th: Book 6
    • September 27th- October 10th: Book 7
    • October 11th- October 24th: Book 8
    • October 25th- November 8th: Book 9
    • November 9th- November 21st: Book 10
    • November 23rd- December 5th: Book 11
    • December 6th- December 15th: Book 12 *This would be a short book, as it would only be a bit over a week
    • Take a 2 week break because of holidays (Christmas, New Years...)
    • January 3rd- January 16th: Book 13
    • January 17th- January 30th- Book 14


    I skipped a few days such as Thanksgiving and July 1st, is there any other days I forgot about?




    Member List (so far)-


    1. 1. Me (skeena93)
    2. 2. farscapefanuk
    3. 3. athevolunteer
    4. 4. harly24
    5. 5. theOCfan
    6. 6. ManOfScience118
    7. 7. gbvfan13
    9. 9. krkv6
    10. 10. sunlust
    11. 11. saxa246
    12. 12. didinuta
    13. 13. Sirius452
    14. 14. flowsta
    15. 15. ariesta
    16. 16. The-Soup-Nazi (possibly)
    17. 17. MalionX
    18. 18. cutiepugs
    19. 19. RedsnGreens
    20. 20. zuko412
    21. 21. enitity0
    22. 22. SkateGame
    23. 23. Icarus405
    24. 24. Shana868
    25. 25. Sunaya94
    26. 26. AZbookgal
    27. 27. Leah_Rose


    If I happen to have forgot to put someone on the list, just let me know :P


    We are going to start voting on which books to read on Monday, voting will stop on Thursday night. There will probably be a few rounds of voting after that, the top five from this vote we will be reading, then we will vote again and the top five from that  we will be reading. Then we'll vote again and the top 4 from that we will read. J 

    LOST Book Club! Come Join!

    Okay, so seeing as we are going to be looking at a 8 month hiatus from Lost, I was think that I would like to start a Lost book club here to help keep the activity during the break. Anyone can join! It would be books like Carrie, Lord of the Flies, Catch-22, A Tale of Two Cities, or any other books that you can thing of that have been mentioned of or have refence to Lost. How I was thinking it could work would be that we voted on which books we read, then maybe have two weeks (or something like that) to read them, and pic a certain day every week to discuse them. What do you guys think?
    • 30 results
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