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skeena93 Blog

The TROLL!!!!

Okay, so there is a troll on the Lost forums that is going by the user name Lost2356. He is posting spoilers everywhere on the forums so if you are trying to go spoiler free, don't do onto the forums for a little while. I have to go to bed now... bye bye. xxxx

My Trip

I'm back! Sorry that my last blog was so short and rushed, I typed it from school. Anyways, so I went to Fredericton for 2 days to go to the Provincial Math Competition, two of my friends went too so it was really fun. I got to learn some Korean, cause one of the girls that came with us was from South Korea. I now know how to say "Please", "Thank you", "You're late" and "I love Lost". I think I did okay on the test (I hope :S), we have to wait 2 weeks to get our results, which kind of sucks. It took us 3 hours to drive there, it was kind of nice cause I got to catch up on listening to my subscribed podcasts. We stayed in residence at UNB, I sware that the rooms were smaller then a storage closet! And it got up to like 100C degrees so I couldn't sleep at all. But on the bright side, we got to go to the mall for about 4 hours, which was great cause I don't really have a mall were I live. And they have a bookstore!!!! :D :D My Lost book collection increased a fair bit after going in there. My collection is now...

  1. The LOST Chronicles by Mark Cotta Vas                                                                           
  2. Finding LOST by Nikki Stafford                                                                                      
  3. Getting LOST by Orson Scott Card                                                                                  
  4. Unlocking the Meaning of LOST by Lynnette Porter & David Lavery                                       
  5. LOST: Endangered Species by Cathy Hapka                                                                      
  6. LOST: Secret Identity by Cathy Hapka                                                                              
  7. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Also, Carrie and Catch-22 should be coming in the mail any day now. I also bought this months copy of the official LOST magazine, I think I'm going to buy a subscription cause they don't sell it anywhere here. I'm  going to try and get Lord of the Flies and Bad Twin soon. Is there any others that I should get?


Also, my cutting back on TV is going very well, I havn't watched Bones, House or Desperate Housewives in 2 weeks. It's been really really hard to stop watching Bones, but I think I'll be able to stay away from the finale next week. Only 2 more weeks till exams, I'm starting to get nervous... but then after that I get to go to Ottawa for a week, which is going to be really great. Anyways... thats it for right now.. ta ta... :)

Going Away

Okay, well I'm leaving in about 30 minutes to go to Fredericton for a few days. I will not have any internet access seeing as I'm staying in a university dorm room. Just wanted to tell you that I won't be here until sunday. Bye Bye. :)

The Man behind the Curtain Discussion

Ok so i don't have enought energy to type everything out agin so I'm just going to copy my review...

Well, who knew that Ben had an imaginary friend? I almost pied my pants laughing when Ben was talking to "Jacob". It was so halarious to see him talking to the empty chair! I'm not sure what to think, is it maybe only people who trully believe in Jacobs power that can see him? Or maybe only people who have been on the island for a long time? Or then theres the possibilty that Ben is just plain old lieing and there really isn't any Jacob. But I'm highly doughting that. Why would Ben have shot Locke in the last scene if he had made the voice himself? Or maybe he really wants John dead. The Others reaction when Locke said that he and Ben were going to go see Jacob was just priceless. Probably one of the first times we've scene them all go quiet at the same time. And we got to see Patchy again! :D I was so mad at Locke when he just came right up to him and beep the pulp out of him. Poor Mikhail. As for the end, I have to say that I was acctually happy that Ben shot Locke. I really hope theylet him die, I can't stand him!

As for the flashbacks, I thought they were great! Ben was so cute as a kid! And him and his little friend Annie were so cute togther! It was so sad though that his Dad blamed him for his mother dieing, that was just not right. I'm guessing that it was smokey that Ben was seeing when he saw his mother, but how would smokey get into his room? Any thoughts on that guys?

Back on the beach.... :D I was so happy with Jack! I could have lept into the TV and hugged him! I know that probably about 99% of people here are probably thinking the exact opposite, but me being a total Other Lover, I was so happy that Jack stood be Juliet and didn't go cold on her. As for whether she really told him the day that she and Sun went to the Staff, I'm a bit skeptical about that, I think he knows more then he is letting on.

So thats it, next week is Greatest Hits and I can't wait! :)

So what did you guys think?

Spider Man 3



Well I finally managed to go and see Spider Man 3 last night. But I have to say that I was a bit disappointed. I didn't think that the special effects were all that great during some of the fight scenes. When Peter goes to save that girl agter the crain goes hay-wire, when the building was walling I was really disappointed by the CGI. Over all it was still a great movie thought, maybe the best in 2007 so far. I loved the emo look after Peter puts on the black suit, the disco thing was just plain halarious. I also cried at the end, the people at the other end of the theater could probably hear my mother and I bawling ours eyes out when Harry died. Anyways... that's it for now... bye bye xxxx

No More Spoilers

I am sad to say that I lost a bet with a fellow lost fan today. :( And the conditions where that if I lost I had to go without spoilers for the rest of season 3. My god, how on earth could I have been so stupid! I have no idea what I am going to do with out spoilers for the next few weeks.

Cutting down my TV time

Well I've decided that I'm going to try and cut down my TV and internet time because it's starting to get me way behind in school. So until my exams at done, I'm not going to watching Bones, CSI, House or Survivor. I'm not giving up LOST, that would be impossible. I'm just going to download the episodes I miss and watch them in the summer, then start watching again in the fall when they start up again. I'm going to need some encouragement to do this, lol, so please tell me that school comes first, cause right now the head is screaming at me that its not. :P

The Brig/ Fun little quiz

Okay, so i really don't feel like typing my opinoion of The Brig again, so I'll just say that I loved it! If you want to know what I thought, see my review for the Brig, which should be just a little bit down this page...

Anyway, I cam across this quiz a few times and thought I would do it...

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? No, why on earth would I?

Ever made a prank phone call? Yep :P

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Last summer

Ever thrown up in public? Unfortunatly, yes, when I was at an amusment park after going on one of the roller costers, i think it was about 3 years ago.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes

Did you have long hair as a child? For a little while, usually it was just down to my shoulders, its long right now though.

Most embarrassing song in your mp3 player? Umm... don't really have one...

Do you trust people easily? No

Have you ever been in a mosh pit? lol, no

Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?  Yes, always on the left side, cause it,s next to the window.

Do you have a good luck charm? Yes

First thought when your alarm goes off?  Sh!t, I have to go to school soon.

Are your parents still together? No

Bungee jumping or sky diving? Bungee jumping for sure!

Chips or popcorn? Popcorn

Orange juice or apple juice? Apple

Being a millionaire or finding true love? Love

Pepsi Or Coke? Pepsi, I don't understand how some people say they taste the same

Chocolate Or Vanilla? Chocolate

Day Or Night? Night

Hamburger Or Hot Dog? Hamburger

Hugs Or Kisses?  Kisses

Pool or Hot tub? Pool, I swim 4 times a week

Saved by the Bell or California dreams? ???

Hide and seek or Marco polo? Hide and Seek

Can you dive without plugging your nose? Yes

Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? Nope

What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?  Sit down, close my eyes, and try not to go crazy

Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings? No idea

Do you know the words to "total eclipse of the heart"? No

Are you an adult? No, still a teenager

Do you have a tan? To get a tan, you need sun, which I do not get a lot of where i live, lol

What are your plans for the weekend? this weekend, nothing much, but next weekend I'm going to Fredericton, NB.

Good Books

Do any of you guys know of a good book to read? I just finished A Million Little Pieces by James Frey and I'm dieing to read something a little happier (no King, I've saving that for the summer)... so, any suggestions?

The Events of 9/11

Due to some resent chatter on the forums about 9/11 I wanted to make this blog to see what some of the rest of you think about what happened on September 11th, 2001. I am a strong believer in that the goverment set it up OR they knew that it was going to happen, I really don't think that it came to a shock to anyone in the white house. I know its a senseitve topic for some people, so if you don't like it, don't respond, and I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying this. I will not go into detail, but there are tons of things that just do not add up. The fact that the only buildings to ever come down from a fire are the twin towers, that the heat from jet fule brought the entire two buildings dowm? What about the two 6 ton engines at the Pentagone, what happened to them? the fact that they took all a bomb sniffing dogs out of the building like a month before this happened? Just wondering what everyone else thought...
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