Its good to know other people feel the same disenchantment that I do about Zelda. Its not that I'm complaining about TP being better or worse than OOt or windwaker, II would say from an objective point of view, these three games are very similar (combat, design, world, structure) and all top-notch. I never said Zelda is taking a turn for the worse ..i'm just saying that they're not doing it for me any more. Like others have said, I think OoT was so special because it was groundbreaking leap into 3-d. Wind Waker was another great game (and I think the cell shading was awsome btw) Same basic formula as Oot. TP is another great game - again, same BASIC formula. I dont think the games have gotten worse, if anything the sum of TP's parts may be better than OOt and windwaker's. The problem for us 'jaded' fans though is that they are essentially the same great games. And each time we get a new zelda the fun factor dies a bit more because we've been there and done that. I see clearly that for each fan thats getting bored w/zelda there is a new fan who's being blown away. That all being said ..i really hope some changes are made in the next installment. I would love less chore's (aka tears of light, the sailing for chests from ww). And the difficulty really needs to be amped up. There's something not right about playing an epic game in a beautiful vivid world w/cool characters and each and every fight being an absolute joke) Why are these enemies even in the game and dungeouns when they add no additional challenge to the game. It feels like the only challenges come from solving puzzles and this is NOT how the older zeldas were. The 2d zelda's enemies were a much bigger threat to dying than any of the 3d zeldas enemies. Even though their danger may have been because there were a lot on screen to kill or you needed simply to have the right timing to kill them this element is what keeps a gamer engaged.
I have always considered zelda to be the greatest series in all of gaming. I based this on both how much fun I had w/these and how well made the game is. I remember when i was in highschool, having played all the previous zeldas and waiting waiting waiting for Oot, when i finally played that game it was the ultimate experience. Now, I am very sad to say that Zelda : TP is not the same for me. Its not because it isn't a fantastic game. The story, mythos, production are all top notch. It has become a chore for me to play. I basically feel like I'm playing the game just to get to the dungeon or to the boss battles. Getting the tears of light and getting through the first 3 dungeouns has been 70% boring and 30% excitement. Its sad but the game is way too time consuming, not challenging enough, and well ..not fun like i remember. I'm not knocking zelda. I'm just wondering if there are any others out there now who are older (i'm 24) and feel like they've grown out of zelda. I really dont have time for long time consuming games. I'd rather play good games where I can pretty much just pick them up and play and have fun. I'm talking anything from good old platformers (super mario world) to halo 2's online , gears of war, the god of wars, a few fighting and sports games. It seems like this is what gaming has come down to for me. :(
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