Yes they did false advertise the game. Be for the release they where boasting like it was the start of next gen graphics and had new lighting effect etc. I didn't see any of this.
I love always online so I cant save my game or if the internet goes down and cant play what I bought due to no fault of my own or if the server crashes..
By the way is it EA giving away these free games or does maxis who made the game got to pay EA money to give these games away?. I no ive been saying will we get an email today in the forums but I would prefer not to get a free game really and maxis spend the money on developing SimCity 5 more.
Might get SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition. lol. Not too bothered about mass effect 3 but dead space 3 sounds tempting. Good choices though. But would like to have just off line mode like all the other people say on SimCity 5. ):
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