With all the extra you got to buy not including PS4 it self but with Camera and move controller its going to cost £457,98p if I wanted it fully operational. Not including PS4Pro as when I got my PS4 that cost £350 so all together £807.98p. I think I will pass. My new PC cost £1520,12p and if I wanted to play it properly later with the PS4 pro even though they said everything will work on both no doubt that they will make exclusive for the Pro. So that be at least another £350 if you wanted to make the most out of it. Total cost £1,157.98p.
I no the rift etc is £600 plus for PC but again I will pass as I didn't build this PC for VR even though its a VR pc ready. I wanted it for the graphics and performance. I will wait for them to be cheaper or if the PSVR comes compatible to PC one day I will buy it then.
@suicidesn0wman: I have my receipts we just keep everything in a file for decades as we still got out old VHS+ video recorder receipts in there too. lol
I was very happy with my PS3 so not too bothered what OS it had on it. Not too happy with the PS4 or X1 though but not due to OS but performance. Its not as big a leap as I thought it would be like 360, to PS3 from old gen be for them.
I got this for x1 but cant stand the input lag from controller. Game does look excellent though as did like the 2013 version. What I played was good too but just couldn't stand the lag when aiming.
skipper847's comments