The standard Steam refund policy applies to No Man's Sky. There are no special exemptions available. Click here for more detail on the Steam refund policy.
First time I have ever seen this message on steam on store page. Says it all.
How many tried refund on steam after 2 hours of play lol. In the end they had to put up a message saying this game does not have special refund. The only game ive known for this kind of message. So a lot must have tried. I wounder if you could have refunded on steam after 2 hours how many would have.
@RedWave247: overclockers uk are there advertising it with VR ready PC lol.
This is what there advertising
Get ready to experience the VR world with a new gaming PC which is ready for Portal 3, Half Life 3, Eve: Valkyire and other upcoming Virtual Reality titles
I have a 970gtx at the moment and it probably this issue what is causing all stuttering games. I have just bought a new PC though with a 1080gtx. PC still in process of been built. :D If I have any problems with this then NVidia is finished.
I cant wait it been 5 days now since I ordered but only 3 workings days and it says allow 7 working days. Its like Christmas eve at the moment.
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