@beantownsean: I don't like the idea of windows store only games either for PC. Steam is probably only client I can stand. but this is also forced on us and if had choice I would get rid of it in a second.
Too late. Got Netflix, Amazon and pay TV licence already. Not paying another penny to watch something. Yes we pay TV licence in the Uk but not watched TV for about 2 years now as its all threw the net. I not even got a TV any more either as this is now threw my monitor.
Its £125 also for Tv licence for year. Stupid government wanting more £££££££
It be FPS too and resolution increase for PC. Plus keyboard and mouse which makes aiming even in 3rd person view more accurate.
Just bought the last of us for PS4 ad using controller compared to key board and it feels like a robot on controller. Not very smooth and accurate when wanting to aim.
skipper847's comments