@nsignific: Yeah. I'm from the UK but again say anything negative against black people your racist or ignorant. But its the truth. Like I said its ok for black people to say stuff like that all the time in films etc. Take only fools and horses a British TV series which was made in the 80's there is a couple of Pakistani jokes which been taken out but again in the new ghostbuster she says something about been black and it stays in.
I don't like this youtuber but then again its ok for black people to call each other the N word in normal convo or in rap films music but soon as white person says it, its automatically racist. Geeze its even in some way on ghostbusters when she gets chucked into crowed and they miss her on purpose and says. Is this a black thing. If a white person said that then Ghostbusters would have been banned. But then again that might not have been a bad thing. lol.
That's actually quite alright Definitive now is like a lower version of GOTY edition. when I saw it I thought it meant graphic overall to improve the graphics but this looks like all DLC in one package called something fancy.
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