what is your opinion on the lengthening plot lines and cinematics in modern games? for example, the metal gear solid series has a plot worthy oof any movie, and the cinematic's length almost match the number of gameplay hours. i personally enjoy the shift as it makes the games more exciting and drives me to play more because of the suspense. plots such as in metal gear and prince of persia are extremely well written and leave the player craving more.
im not saying there isnt a downside to this though..some games amazing plotline are undermined by severely crippling gameplay flaws...and i think that the introduction of interactive cutscenes are a way to make players feel as if they are still playing the game, despite the sixteen hours of cinematics the game boasts.
bottom line, if its done well i enjoy it immensely, if done poorly, i wish i hadnt ever shelled out the cash for the used version 3 years later, never mind the sucker who payed full price for the load of garbage...
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