not to be mean or anything, but it seams to be to obvious to happen to me. if they were going to do something like that, then they wouldnt send everyone a message telling them that things would be different. they would just show a really weird or bogus trailer, and then say "april fools' on the 1st of april. they eouldnt go telling people about it. but then again, im usually wrong about this sort of thing, maybe im too predictable? and like you said, meh
i have also got my ps3. its so much better that i could ever have imagined. i cant wait to get the firmware update sorted (im going to do it over night tonight) and get online. it totaly owns
i got mine at the nz lauch 7 hours and 40 minutes ago. i even talked to one of the local radio djs. and i was the first one through the checkout at the store i got it from! it is sooooooooo cool.i cant wait untill i get the damn firmware updated and can play online.
i am now waiting for the damn fireware update to download so i can get online and play resistance. i'll keep you updated (no pun intended) in my progress. but man it looks cool. and its shiny :D :D :D EDIT: it has now told me it cant access the server 3 times. im starting to get f#cked off with it. but ill hang in there.
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