@visforvictory: you sir get the No-prize today for your nonsensical observation. First off I'm going to go out on a limb and say kids own PS4's and Xbox1's as much as Switch. As for your assessment on power, no one cares. Ultimately if you have fun games, there will be an audience. The Wiiu fiasco had zero to do with power and more to do with the poor design of the hardware in terms of that touch pad that couldn't go out of range of the console.
@dr_vancouver: the lowest I get is 400p but that's usually because I'm on a team of idiots who go rushing to "Kill" the other team and leaves me to have to cover the turf they miss or Back them up some other way.
@wexorian: I definitely want Mario Maker on Switch ASAP! I had it on 3DS and if that wasn't even the full featured version, then I need a Switch port now. Mario games by far are my favorite platformer.
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