@gleencross: first of all "Murderer Batman" is a thing. I know current representations of Batman in both the comics and movies portrays a Batman who is against killing, the original Batman had no such qualms with taking a life. He used to routinely kick people out of Windows and in one comic he fought a murderous head of a chemical company who killed his partner to take it over, as well as tried to Kill Batman When he turned his back, and Batman sidestepped and tossed the guy over a rail into a vat of chemicals which killed him, and all Batman said was "A fitting end for a murderer" and walked off.
@willjohnboy: Ben Isnt a horrible Batman it's just he doesn't look the part at all and takes me back to the older Batman movies where they just shoehorned Clooney and Kilmer into the role. I thought Bale was a great Batman tho, but I get why he was done after Nolans Trilogy.
@The_Inebriator: I think the problem is a little deeper than Kyrie doesn't like Lebron. I think it has more to do with what the management is doing to fill in the gaps on the Cavs roster. No way they are going to get a team that can compete with The Warriors without someone taking a pay cut.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: I disregarded your entire argument because you failed to mention Mysterio! I imagine a boss fight with illusions and the like akin to the Arkham fights with Scarecrow. Btw I was just kidding about disregarding your post.....It was well written, I just found it odd you didn't mention Mysterio
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