@Mogan: I doubt they know anything more. It’s become status quo to immediately fire/suspend the accused before any investigation is done to cover these companies ass and to give the impression that they care.
Why does this stuff happen? The woman for example claims that people have her ,” Meth, Marijuana, cocaine.” But imo if you up in some hotel room getting high with some other dudes, then that makes u all impaired and if that means you can’t make rational decisions, the same holds true for the alleged perpetrator. How do we know the woman wasn’t the aggressor in terms of sex or if Enzo was? How can we even be sure Anything happened and can be relayed with accuracy? We can’t and cases like these should be dismissed to show people that doing drugs and then feeling regret at your actions is the reason to quit doing drugs.
MS acts like the priviliged kid who expects to win everything and if they don’t they act like spoil sports. You can’t get them to reveal their sales numbers any other time and when they do it’s only because Sony sold less PS4’s but I guess MS isn’t really worried about the Switch, but they should be.
I honestly miss The Stargate shows.....Seriously an underrated franchise but I remember starting out watching the TV series and Everytime it would come on, I was compelled to sit and watch it. I just hope this prequel does the franchise justice,.
@skektek: that’s like saying Xbox released an overpriced Low end PC with Xbox1. Nintendo tricked no one and Switch. Great games, great console and selling very well.
Honestly I can care less if loot crates are in games or not because I’m not going to spend real money to purchase them, I don’t care what super weapon or character is unlocked. Destiny 2 for example is a fun game imo so I don’t mind the grind as much as the lack of variety in things to do. If they added more content more frequently I wouldn’t mind the grind, but replaying the same stuff over and over again does become a drag.
@Pyrosa: yeah even on COD WW2 activision has loot crates that come at an anemic rate, and the only way to get them otherwise is to buy with COD coins that must be purchased with real money. Same with NBA 2K18 and honestly many other games have the same practice.
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