K i stole from Calli who stole from Laz who stole from Kim, we are one big thieving bunch!
1. Are your parents married or divorced? divorced
2. For how long? 28 years or about
3. How old are they? my mom is 51 and i think my biological father is 60. (i've had no contact with him since i was about 13)
4. Do you think heaven exists? Yes, though i'm sure not in any form we imagine it to be.
5. Ever run away from home? nope... i knew i had it as good as it was gonna get.
6. Favourite place? England
7. Favorite time of the day? sunrise or sunset... a huge sense of peace those times of the day.
8. Favourite website? TV.com duh!!, and i'll add gofugyourself.com--- no better place to laugh at famous people and bad clothes!!
9. Would you ever have plastic surgery? not that i can think of... but hey if they ever make it less painful!
10. Are you homosexual? No
11. Ever kiss someone of the same sex (not including family)? yup
12. What do you wear to bed? mostly just a cami and boxers... i'm married so no need to pull out the good stuff any more :(
13. Ever done anything illegal? Ah the days of my youth... never done anything really really awful, except for what cheech and chong loved so much! which i will say i had a great love affair with too... back in the day!
14. Been arrested?nope
15. Fired a gun? Yup, my husband is a Gun Geek, so i've been to the shooting range and the like.
17. How many illegal drugs have you tried? 2
18. Did you get caught? nope i was a smart little bad girl!
19. Hair color? blonde naturally, had been very Dark brown... i've now gone for highlights, so i'm similar to my natural colour.
20. Short or long? in between
21. Eye colour? green
22. Favourite saying? truthfully? I guess it's have to be "well mother f%^k" and "holy s$^t"
23. Ever wore pajamas to cla$s or work? yup... God Bless College
24. Do you like The Lord of the Flies? never read it... i prefer the Prince by Machiavelli for basically the same point... with out the killing of pigs.
25. Do you like The Lord of the Rings? heck yes!
26. Harry Potter? oh lord yes... read 7 in about 8 hours...
27. Future children's name? boy:Henry Thomas or Ian Thomas or Adian Lee. Girl: Abigail Lee or Rhiannon Cole or Skylar May...
28. Do you snore? only when im sick
29. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? well yes... but i'm also know to try and use my sweet dog Bebop as a cuddly toy... he however is nonplussed by this.
30. Do you like to sleep in? Yes, but getting up at 5:30 5 days a week, means that 7 am feels like sleeping in!
31. Gold or silver? Silver without a question (ditto twin!!) Ditto DT Twins! :)
32. How long did your longest phone conversation last? 4 or 5 hours i think... and it was across the pond to a friend i had in England... I don't even remember the bill... but it was insane!
33. With who? His name was Dave... few years older than me, but had been friends with my Dad through computer groups and things... he was so cool. I'd have married him so he could have American citizenship and i could have British... but it didn't work out that way :P
34. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Salsa and Chips
36. Ever change a light-bulb? yes
37. City, Beach or Country? beach
38. Sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? I prefer open...
39. Where did you eat last? my living room, as always.
40. Are you allergic to peanut butter? nope! which is good cause i love it!
41. Are you an artist? i certainly have some skills... but it's all in how you define it!
42. Musician? no but i do have an insane love of music!
43. Athlete? Volleyball and some soccer
44. Bookworm? Hell yeah! i have over 200 books in my house... i need books like some folks need crack!
45. Writer? Yes, though my best stuff seems to come when i'm angsty, and that doesn't happen very much these days.
46. When's the last time you cried?the other day... i'd just had a bad day at work and felt overwhelmed!
47. Why?see above
48. Do you read other people blogs? yes love them!
49. Do you talk in your sleep? now and then... no telling what i might say.
50. Window seat or aisle? Aisle... better to defeat the crazies... I went to a karate tournament sometime after 9/11, and my sensai made us all sit in aisle seats, because if we were attacked it was our duty to fight no matter what... and he wasn't kidding... and it's just stuck with me ever since.
51. Ever met anyone famous? yea but not that famous- a few country music people who live and grew up around when i work now.
52. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? not as much as i want... just gotta be brave enough to take that leap.
53. Twirl your spaghetti or cut it? both
54. Are you ticklish? not really... it depends on if you take me by surprise or not.
55. Ever bite someone? Yep! ah that was a good night ;)
56. Ever push all the buttons on the elevator? "OOOH! IT LOOKS LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE!" aka yes!
57. Ever make out in an elevator? oh yeah, there was one where i worked, and this guy and i... every time the doors closed... ahem.... well anyway... next question!
58. How long do your showers last? about 8 min or 15 if i have music going and am singing! :)
59. Are you self-conscious? yes... i'm a virgo... my mind never stops working and wondering what other people are thinking about me... which, when you say it like that, sounds very very self absorbed! :P
60. Ever have a crush on a teacher or coach? yes my theater prof from college... he was and still is a very attractive man... but also married so that's a no go.
61. Ever drunk so much you threw up? Yes... lord yes!
62. Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? not really... once i got to 21 all the funw hen out of it :P
63. Do you smoke? now and then
64. Smoke a pack a day? nope
65. Do you drinka lot of milk? nope... not really fond of it!
66. Ever stay out all night without getting caught? yes! but i was at school... there was no one to catch me (Ditto on that-the one time i tried it at home involved a lot of yelling by my mother... and i was 21 at the time)
67. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? Yes
68. Have you been in love? yes more than once
69. Do you bite your nails? not often
70. Have you tried sushi? I LOVE THE STUFF!!!!!
71. Escargot? nope... raw fish i'll do, snails however...
72. Caviar? not really my thing... i don't like the texture... which i think is the whole point of the stuff :(
73. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yes
74. Police car? yeah but it was ride along with an officer... so never in the back seat
75. Fire engine? nope
76. Ever had the chicken pox? yes when i was maybe 4. got it int he summer time... i can still remember having to go to bed when the sun was still out!
78. Ever been to Niagara Falls? nope but it's a bit of a drive from here
79. Europe? england twice
80. Germany? nope, i'm actually a 3rd generation American... my great grandmother cam over from Germany.... but i've never been.
81. Africa? too warm, too many snakes
82. Mexico? I live in America... give us long enough and we'll be Mexico... sorry sore subject with me.
83. Last gift you received? can't remember... i'm sure it was a book though :D
84. Last sport you played? Karate
86. Dated someone with more than 10 years age difference? not 10 years... a few close... although JDM is only 11 years older than me... jensen is a year younger and Jared is just a baby!
87. Been fired? nope!
88. Thing you spend a lot of money on? DVD's, books, bath and body works, finger nail polish (i have a dream to find this perfect light light blue i had once... it was my fav!!!!!)
89. Where do you live? Kentucky USA
90. Where were you born? Kentucky USA
91. Last wedding attended? My friend Kat's
92. Have you ever been married? am currently
93. Divorced? Nope- but if JDM, Jensen or Derren Brown looks my way... things can be arraigned!
94. Most hated food? raw onion
95. Last person you text messaged?my boss... us old folks aren't as fast on it as the young ones!
96. Saying what? something about a customer i'm sure
97. Favorite regular drink? Diet Coke!!!
98. Favourite person? that i know: my husband i imagine... that i don't know: Jensen or Derren Brown or the Beatles
99:from high school: my friend Amanda, we had some fun times back in the day
100. Current crush? JDM, Jesen, and Derren Brown.
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