E3 hasn't officially started yet but the previews have been so awesome and have me hyped more than ever. The announcements so far have been amazing. With Konami announcing the Silent Hill collection, Zone of the Enders collection and the Metal Gear Solid Collection all in HD and coming to PS3 and 360.
So with all this excitement I figured I throw a list together of what I hope to see or what I expect to happen:
Obviously they will show their new systemProject Cafe. Hopefully they'll have something running on it and not just screen shots or lame video of "what it can do".
Zelda: The Skyward Sword will hopefully get a release date and a demo that actually goes well.
Maybe some new and good games for the 3DS
So needless to say until I get a bada$$ next gen Zelda game I'm not really expecting much from Nintendo. Don't get me wrong NES, Super NES and 64weresome of my favorite systems and I loved what Nintendo did back then, but one can only take so much Wii Sports. To me, and this is my OPINION, the Wii lost its magic about 10 titles or so ago.
Rumor has it they will announce their IPTV (LOL funny when you say it out loud) app for the 360, which turns your 360 into a cable box for steaming TV programing, and they'll have a new "Diamond" level Live tier for this.
Kinect games, kinect games oh and more kinect games. I had the honor of playing one of these mind blowing monstrosities a few months back and oh boy. I know I'm white but I do have rhythm and good hand to eye coordination. This thing made me so mad at times and forget trying to play with someone in a small apartment.
Anyway as far as "real" games go, I expect Gears of War 3,Fable 4, Forza 4, Alan Wake 2, and obviously they'll show off Modern Warfare 3 and Mass Effect 3.
To me MS really needs to step it up and put some effort into first partytitles so hopefully they'll show off some new IPs and give me a reason to own my 360 outside of Gears and Halo.
Sony, Sony, Sony. Oh what a year you have had so far. Get hacked much? Despite all the trails and tribulations you are put through and despite how much of my personal information you hand over to someone I still love you but seriously get your security crap together.
I'm down with NGP yeah you know me. Sorry I had to do it andI hate that name but luckily its been changed or rumored to have been changed to Playstation Vita. Again I don't really care for it but whatever it could be called the "Super Awesome System 5000" as far as I'm concerned. I'm going to buy the thing.
With games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Wipout: 2048, and Silent Hill: Book of Memories how can you go wrong. Plus the new "Transfarring System" that Kojima introduced is awesome and I hope more games include that.
I'm sure the newly released Sony Experia Play will be talked about and that is one beast of a phone. To bad its limited to Verizion or I would have one.
I expect demos of Resistance 3, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, Twisted Metal, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Journeyand Uncharted 3. I also want to see more of the HD PSP games for the PS3. Anyone upfor some Monster Hunter?
I'm hoping for some Final Fantasy VS XIII, Killzone 4, Grand Turismo 6, The Last Guardian, Shadows and ICO Collection,maybe something on the God of War side, andValkyria Chronicles 3 on the PS3.
In Conclusion
I could ramble all night about this but with so many exciting things on the way and so many rumors going around there are about 5 thousand things I could wish and hope for and I'm sure I have forgotten something but in the end only time will tell whats going to happen and it all starts tomorrow.
Happy gaming my friends and until next time........
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