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Early gifts and Finished Games

Well, well, well. I really don't have much to say other than I got a early Christmas gift or gifts I should say.

Prince of Persia

Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai

Valhalla Knights

I started playing Prince of Persia and its great. It is rather easy but thats shouldn't stop anyone from playing the game. I also went on a little road trip so I had time to play some Dragon Ball. Its pretty cool but it doesn't really follow the movie Fusion Reborn that it's supposed to based on.

Also in other gaming news I finished Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and Heavenly Sword. Both were great games with awesome stories. And yes they are short for those of you that haven't played them yet and were wondering. It took me about 6 1/2 hours for Heavenly Sword and about 10 on Uncharted. Both are worth picking up and playing if you own a PS3.

I also started watching the first season of Smallville. Its pretty cool. I may pick up the second season. And tonight was the last episode of Heroes for this year and I'm at work so I didn't get to watch it. That sucks.

Well thats about it here. Hope everyone is well. Until next time......

Whats Santa bringing you????

So the Holidays are around the corner and regardless if its Christmas, Chanukah ,or whatever holiday you celebrate you are bound to get a games or two. So what games are on your holiday list? Here's mine.

Prince of Perisa

Fallout 3

The Orange Box

Persona 4

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories

Devil May Cry 4

Dragon ball z Burst limit

Mirrors Edge.

Yeah thats right I'm still alive and gaming.

Well first off, how is everyone doing. Its been awhile since I've gotten on GS and I'm sorry. Its hard to find time to do the things you love when you work like i do (rotating 12 hour shifts = no fun). SO where do I start?

First: I'm happy to say I finally got a PS3 about a month or two ago. Yeah for me!!! With that said I've been trying to stay awake long enough when i get home to play some games. So far I've completed:

Resistance: Fall of Man: Freakin killer game, I'm not big on shooters but this game had me hooked.

Resistance 2: Again great game, the story is so intriguing.

Assassins Creed: I loved this game not to fond of the ending but oh well I'll just have to see what happens later on.

Legendary: the worst $50 i have ever spent. I never thought I would say that about a game but its true, sorry.

Fear: OMG this game is a must play even if you hate shooters. It will freak you the **** out. I loved every minute of it.

GTA4: whats there to say that hasn't already been said. Very good game.

So thats everything I've completed on the PS3 and now i'm currently playing Uncharted. This game is a blast!

As far as the PSP I've finished Ghost Rider; it was ok about what i expected. Untold Legends; Pretty good hack and slash like Champions of Norrath, Infected was funny and worth the $10 i paid for it.

OK now I guess this is the complaining portion of my blog. Where the h$ll are all my NEXT GEN RPG's???????? I feel really out of place playing shooters all the time now I WANT TO CAST A FREAKIN SPELL OR SOMETHING!!!!!! It seems its going to be 2012 until FFXIII ever gets here so what's a gamer to do? if you have any suggestions please, I'm all ears. If not i guess I'll have to go back playing the PS2.

And speaking of the PS2 before I went all MIA on you guys I posted the list of 10 blog. Well I finished just about half of those games except for Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 1 & 2, Valkyrie Profile, and Rogue Galaxy.

I really have way to many games (if there is such a thing) and I'm always torn about what to play next.

Well thats it for now.....I think. If i think of anything else I'll post it. Later.

List of 10 update and other stuff

Well its been about a month since I started my list of ten games I was hoping to complete within a two month time period and with the amount of hours I have been putting in at work lately needless to say I'm not sure if I'll complete all of these in two months. With that said here is what I have accomplished:

Drakengard 2, the second ending was awesome, way better than the first ending and well worth playing the game again for.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7, I can only thing of one word for this game, WOW! I'm still in shock and tears from playing this.

Rogue Galaxy, I'm still working on this one, I'm about 6 hours into it.

Final Fantasy 7, since I finished Crisis Core I have to dive right in to FF7 and playing this game brings back so many memories and reminds me why I play video games.

Final Fantasy 1, I'm not sure if many of you have played this game but is it just me or does it get harder the more you play it? Anyway I found a really cool "Easter egg" in the game that I read about in a review of it, In the Elfhiem village there is a grave site as you know if you play the NES version. In the NES version one of the tombstones read "Here lies Erdrick", they guy from Dragon Warrior. In the Playstation remake the same tombstone now reads "May Link rest in peace". I thought that was cool. And I still say that this remake has some of the best FMV on a PS one disk.

So that's where I am on the games. I actually have Wednesday off so I'm going to make up for some lost time

I have also added some new titles to my collection:

Monster Hunter Freedom for the PSP

Ghost Rider for the PSP

Spiderman 3 for the PS2

The Sonic Mega Collection for the Game Cube

Well that's it here. Hope all is well with you. Until next time. Later

News, news and more news

We'll I'm sure everyone is or has been watching E3 08 and I have to say I'm hyped about some of these games. Mostly Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill Home Coming, Infamous, Resistance 2 and Prince of Persia. And with ComicCon only two weeks away I'm sure we will see more demos and previews for up coming games that will blow us away. Hopefully we'll see some Final Fantasy XIII and Killzone 2 demos.

With all that going on I still have to get my gaming fix and I for one can't wait months at a time to play new games and if you know me I have a collection that I still need to build. So I just picked up Tales of the Abyss, Silent Hill 2, Pince of Persia: The Sands of Time and The Two Thrones. Also trying to keep it old school I picked up Quest 64. Not sure if anyone remembers this game but I liked it when it was new to the market.

Update on the list of 10:

I'm only a few hours from completing Drakengard 2 again. Next its Rogue Galaxy.

The List of Ten

So lately I feel like I have been slipping in my gaming. I feel like I've gotten a little lazy so to speak. So I have composed a list of the gaming line up, a check list is you will. This are the games that I plan to complete in the next month or so. I'm aiming for two months at the most.

Drakengard 2 (Second Ending)

Rogue Galaxy

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy I

Valkyrie Profile

Kingdom Hearts

Dark Cloud

Bujingai: The Forsaken City

Final Fantasy II

So thats what I plan on playing, most I picked these because I've already started them and never completed them. So it looks like I have my work cut out for me. I keep everyone informed on how I'm doing. But in the mean time what are you all playing?


Come One Come All

As most of you may know Monkeystew and I have opened a Drakengard Union with the help of our many friends. We have named this union The Seeds of Destruction Union. If you haven't had to chance to check it out please feel free and stop by to say hey. In the spirit of friends and giving back to them Monkeystew and I have created some games and a new Limelight Point system in which you can cash in for certain rewards, whcih I have to say are very worth playing for. So go check out the union, the forums, and the games. Hey who knows you may make a friend or two, awwww. Later



So does anyone know how to embed videos on a post here and actually get them to work, because I can't seem to figure it out. If someone could help me out that would be great.


I have a Crisis!!!!!!!!!!

LOL, Ok well its not what you are all probably thinking. Nothing is wrong, actually things are going pretty well here, but I did just get Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core!!!!!! LOL. I've only played it for about an hour and I'm already hooked. This games is so freakin sweet. I'm so happy I bought this PSP.

Ok for the gaming updates:

Along with FFVII:CC, I recently purchased a GameCube for $20, Resident Evil 0, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicals, Scarface: The World is Yours, and a GunCon 2 for the PS2. Thats been my latest purchases for the past two weeks. I know it seems like a lot but thats the beauty for Which BTW is taking Pre-orders for Resident Evil 5, Valkyria Chonicals, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII, and VS XIII.

As far as future purchases and possibly the greatest purchase of all, about mid July I'll be getting a FREAKIN 80GB PS3!!!!! I'm so ready. So with that said I beg of you for you're help and wisdom. Which PS3 game should I purchase first? Heres a list of what I want.

Grand Theft Auto IV
Assassin's Creed
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
Heavenly Sword
Devil May Cry 4
Resistance Fall of Man
Untold Ledgens: Dark Kingdom
Enchanted Arms

So other than playing a little bit of Crisis Core I'm still playing Rogue Galaxy, 2nd playthrough of Drakengard 2, I recently finished my 3rd playthrough of Resident Evil 4, and I'm dying to start playing dot.Hack//Quarantine and finish that series so I can move to the GU series.

Other than that not much else, so until next time, Later.

Not even Chains can stop me!!!!

LOL I beat God of War Chains of Olympus the other day. It was a pretty good game. I didn't enjoy it as much as the PS2 GoW's but it was the first PSP game I've played and it was well worth it.

Well I just got back from a business trip and I haven't been online for a couple of days or played any games. The trip was great but I"m glad to be home.

So whats everyone playing?