This one is damn funny :D If you have facebook I can suggest a lot of videos sadly I Don't have twitter account, maybe you can create one for the show?
Jennifer Hepler knows what she is talking and if you insult a person is because you don't have arguments to refute what she/he is saying, its just lame, even more insult a woman thats low. Mass Effect 3 have the option of something similar as what this woman is suggesting or I'm wrong?
I think this episode is much more improved than the last one. keep it up! this one is long but epic This one is old but just too funny to miss it
Why not give proper credits?the braid parody is from not gamestooge they not even gave credits to the original creator at all, I mean the owners of gamespot (CBS aka cnet) are the ones that were promoting SOPA so the least thing you can do is to give properly credits to the owners of the video, don't you think?
slayerSS-3's comments