@Zloth2: that's not how that works bud. If a console is running sub 30 fps and you add more stress on the GPU, it will suffer even more. What makes you think that it will perform better than a superior PC?
@landfill_dump: they look like they are the lowest settings on PC. Shadows are def set to low. And I see a complete lack of ambient occlusion. Anisotropic filtering seems lacking as well.
@muzza93: sheesh you are a silly one. Rocket league is not a fps. Controllers would get absolutely destroyed by kb/m players. Don't take offense. It's really just facts. Kb/m is just more responsive.
If this has an on-board GPU which it sounds like it does, then it will be at a higher price point than the oculus. This would be a gigantic fail because the specs are greatly inferior and it will be limited to what Sony releases for it. I really think sony should have stayed out of the VR scene, because this venture definitely hasn't been a cheap one for them.
slickwilly06's comments