your kidding right? i have both oblivion and fable and i enjoyed oblivion much much more! dont get me wrong fable is an exellent game but oblivion is far better. dont let low end machine put you off bbuying oblivion its amazing.
yes it was one of the most buggiest games ever! even the first movie was buggy! when he gu gets his head chopped off, u just heard the sound of it the his body dissapear! then the audience of vamps sood up ad gloded across the floor! and no it wasnt ment to happen. also a few quest bugged up for me and i couldt do them, like the 1 i explained in my otehr post and the part wer ya in that scary house in downtown and the person drops his card.
great game loved it apart from it allwasy crashed to desktop at the part near the end were u rescue the priest adn get on the boat. i couldt even finish the game coz of that!
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