Umm no.. The reason the Wii-U has not been successful this far is the fact that they've alienated BOTH markets with their complex gamepad (which casual gamers find overwhelming) and marginal horsepower (which annoys core gamers). Couple that with a weak library and an unclear marketing message of who should buy this console and you're set for some hard times.
That's funny. It's actually more of a risk NOT bundling Kinect. See Sega CD, Dreamcast Rumble, Wii Motion+, Playstation Move, etc. Read the article again. Why divide developers. This allows every developer to take advantage of Kinect at any point of the development process. For example, Killer Instinct is one practical use of it where profiles and button configs are automatically loaded based on facial recognition or even XBL apps taking advantage of voice/gesture recognition.
Strange how these so-called unbias people think of the new Kinect as an unwanted peripheral when it was mostly Sony strategically pricing their system lower after Microsoft's first price announcement.
I love this phreaking game. Right when I thought it was going to end, it keeps on going! I thought it was more of Portal 1, then it goes nuts! The levels are organic, believable and atmospheric. Look out for my review. Incredible game.
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