smidsy85's forum posts
[QUOTE="mistervengeance"][QUOTE="CyanX73"]Will you get another system? If (and just entertain me for a second) Sony still hasn't utilized the power of PS3 by Christmas; if Kill Zone looks nowhere near as pretty as Gears will you then reconsider your purchase? I ask you guys cuz my neighbor (who owns a 360) and I were having a discussion and he kept pointing to Gears while I kept pointing to techs and games to come. Just wanna know where you guys stand on this. Thnxdonalbanegears is pretty much the limit of what 360 can do, give or take a little bit, while resistance takes only a fraction of ps3's power.
OK guys calm down...First off Gears is a great game I know its not on the PS3 so all the sony fanboys will bash it but if it were every ps3 owner would be touting it as a great game..I won a 360 and PS3 and I only found resistance to be average at best sure it looks pretty but it want that engaging. To every 360 fanboy that points out the lack of games on ps3 there wasn't anything mind blowing on the 360 at launch either .All the launch games sucked too.. Once the developers learn to program for the ps3 efficiently You will really see what it can do. Gears is a second generation 360 title and it finally show off the systems capabilities. So just wait until the programmers get a year with the PS3 . chewi078The lauch for the 360 was stronger than it was for the PS3. COD2 (better than part 3,) Condemned, and PD0 were all all excellent games. Kameo was pretty good too. Sorry, but 360 had a much better offering at launch. Resistance is OK, but it's just one game. I completely disagree. Virtua Tennis 3, Virtua Fighter 5, Resistance: Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Fight NIght, Tiger Woods, NBA Street - I think the launch games were great and stronger than any launch Ive seen.
Why do you kids treat this like it's the end of the world?
I love my PS3, and I have faith that it will bring the stuff I want. I also know that the bloody thing just came out (which most of you need to learn)...
Yeah, I agree. Amen, plus your poll completely sucks...[QUOTE="-Holtz-"]OBLIVION IS OUT IN THE UK!?!ejstrupnot yet, I believe 27th April - I can't wait :)
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