I hate it when I'm signed in and my friend is playing on my 360 and I have a game on my record with NO achievements! that and I sometimes really hate a game and I wanna delete it!orb_03_2006you can already do that, aslong as theirs no achievments, but you may need the latest xbox live update
and that makes perfect sence, we should suggest that to them...It sure would not hurt the system but it would have to be very secure. what i mean is you would not want to be looking at your gamerscore click on a game and accidently drop the controller which happens to land on the button that deletes it all and then all your precious achievements are gone. They should have it so when you click on it it asks you to enter a password that you set or it makes sure you ment to do it or something along those lines. I know I would like to knock GH3 and Forza 2 off my list. I just did not like Forza and a friend brought GH3 over for a day w/ a guitar and I only got 65 points.
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