There should be a new console after 360, but make it last longer than the 1st xbox. 2012 is a good year.
im not. If you play the game alot you will hear the soundtrack more than enough times, i dont need a duffle bag, the only cool thing is the lockbox but you can get a nicer one for cheap.
yea i usally play one game and move on, so there isnt a game i couldnt live without. Call of Duty 4 would be the closest though.
mlb 2k8. Its still fun but it should have been much better.2K should reall focus on fixing the problems that they have insted of finding new ones
Xbox 360:Rock BandCall of Duty 4Halo 3Forza 2MLB 2k8Gears of WarMass EffectOblivion PC:KOTORKOTOR IIBattlefield 2Civilization 4Dawn of WarMedieval 2
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