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smithguy1234 Blog

Friday Night Online 2

Welcome to the 2nd weekly Friday Night Online. This is a speical edition Thursday Night Online because I wont have school tomorrow. I have made some changes. 1: I have changed the name to Friday Night Online instead of Friday Night Gameing. If you were here for the last one then you know how this works.

Good Game: Staggy 2: In this hack-and-shash you take the role of Staggy, a black knight-ish guy who just dosent like boy scouts. Its a pretty simple game. All you really do is run about a little area and kill boy scounts but...somthing about doing this gives you a satisfiying feeling. Everytime you kill a boy scout you get a little bit of money which you use to buy health and new weapons like an axe and a lawn mower and a laser sword if you get enough. This game was really fun.Sadly Staggy 2 dosent have great replay value. After you get the laser sword for the first time you have pretty much kill yourself from playing it again, but its still fun to play. Oh and I killed 655 boy scouts. BEAT THAT!

Bad Game: Alcazar: Possibly the worst game you will ever play in your time online. You play as a stick. Thats it. The game has no story. No action. No enemys. No anything. The stick guy moves from left to right and all you do is press the spacebar to make him jump on the platforms. Its boring and anyone can beat it.

So thats it. It usless it add where they are just google search it but if you need help just IM me. HAVE FUN!

Top 3 movie movie scenes that scared me when I was little

3: That dreaming scene (The Brave Little Toster). When Toster was dreaming when "the master" was making faces in Tosters reflextion and then the tost started to burn and then OH MY GOSH! Then he started running and running when he met that horrible clown. *shuddering*

2: That "you cant escape" song (The Brave Little Toster). Ya know. That song that happened when Lampy asked how do you escape and the ceiling lamp started laughing? Then the song broke out. I dont know why anyone would make a song about how you cant escape and your doomed to be the parts to some fat guys store.

1: Air Conditioner (The Brave Little Toster). I hated this scene! My heart was racing when he was yelling at the others that "the master" was never coming back. I still remember how I felt everytime I see this movie. I was about to run away when he blew a fuse(good riddance).

Thats my top 3. When I was writing this I had no idea that this move trumatised me so. Add your own if you like.Oh and continue posting on "who would win in a fight" blog.

How to get free food out of the lunch line

I only have 2 ways. With pizza and chicken nuggets

Pizza: First get 2 slices of pizza, put them in the main tray, and try to make as stright as possible because "look" is everything. After this pizzas are perfectly alined get a side dish that can be put on sloply(such as corn or fries if you can do it right). Put the food on the edges around the pizza. Then just try to get through the line as quickly as possible. If you lucky then one of the lunch ladies will be buisy talking to somone eles and wont notice you much.

Chicken nuggets: This one is really easy to do. Get in line (mabey at the back so people wont notice you.... or tell on you) get your nuggets in the main tray, then put your extra nuggets in the other trays(dont put more then 3 if you can help it). Next put slopy side dishes ON TOP of the nuggets such as mash potatoes. This will hide the nuggets and the lunch ladies will have to search through the potatoes to find them.

Well there you go. I havent done these myself so results my vary. If anybody tries these and it works tell me okay?

Worst weekend ever!

So if you were here for my other two blogs about the X-box then you know whats going on. Trey came back  today with another new USED X-box. He pluged it in with great relief that Halo 2 worked (he got that with Fable today when he when he went to Heartsill). After about ten minutes of playing the most fun multiplayer I have ever played I say that I want to play Fable the most wanted game for the X-box that I now had in my hands.....big mistake. I put the disc in and my excitement grew more and more. I typed in my name and it went to the loading screen that seemed to go slower then normal. After it got done those horrible words appeared on the screen "The game you have put in is either dirty or damaged". Now keep in mind that this was a brand new game. A BRAND NEW GAME!!! I told trey what had happened and he put in another game. NONE OF THEM WORKED EXCEPED SPLINTER CELL!!! So now trey is P.O.ed about what is happening and goes to our Wal-Mart to pick up a cleaner for the X-box. He put it in, cleaned it, took it out, and put in a game. I am sad to say that this so called "cleaner built just for your X-box" made it worse. The Fable game that use to work up untile the loading screen now said "make sure that the disk in the X-box is a X-box game or CD". Know Trey is going to get a actual NEW one off of ebay tomorrow. Mabey then I will get to play the one game that I wanted an X-box for. This has been by far the worst weekend in my entire life.

Gamefly #1

In my quest to get a higher level on Gamespot I will be talking about the games I have got from my Gamefly. (any one who doesnt have gamefly are missing out on a great time.)

Star Fox Command (DS): So last night my Trey asked my mom if she had checked the mail and she said no so he went out and this was in there. It's a Pretty fun game to play, but I havent been playing it latly, I might play it more today because of Trey and his X-box problem. Go look at his newest blog post to find out.

Friday night gaming!

It's friday and you know what that means.....well no you don't because this is the first time im doing this. Every friday I will give you the best and the worst games that I have found on the internet.

The Best: Year of the Snake. A really cool hack-and-slash game. not much of a story (i dont think there is one) but fun to play.

The Worst: Modern Medieval. Not only does this game use sticks....AGAIN....but its done horrible. You shoot arrows only and you can shoot anywhere then move the mouse then the arrow will go that way. the enemy A.I. is stupid and they wont attack


Good news and bad

Well my brother finally got his X-box and almost all the games he wanted. He got Halo, Mercinaries, Splinter Cell, and Splinter Cell 2: PT. Here's the catch. Almost none of the games work. Yeah that's right. He went all the way to heartsill to get the X-box but almost none of the games he brought home worked. "Halo worked for the first level but level 2 and the multiplayer wont work" said my brother Trey. So now he's going to have to wait for my dad to get home and take him, mabey then ill get to play Fable.


My brother is REALLY late to jump the wagon so to say. He's going to get a X-box tommorow so he says. He sold his PSP to get one. He is really excited about it but all im really looking forward to is Halo and Fable.