@GarGx1: dude its what its coming down to.....do i justify paying for a game that cant run or pirate it to find out it does not run and buy it in 6 months for 20 bucks after everything is fixed??? if they would do something like give us 4 hours of game play as a demo or do real demos again we could get a clue and stop all the pre order madness and people like me being but hurt over games running bad or not supporting things like far cry 4 with no dolby live support on PC.....i paid 60 bucks for far cry 4 and played all of 5 hours.....i should be able to get my money back from that......no matter what im never paying 60 bucks for a game again in my life no matter how long i have to wait.......with all the micro transaction BS going on even in single player games and games just being out right broken like my paid for no man sky that crashes at the game maker logo im over it......i almost want to sell all 3 consoles and get rid of the gaming PC.......but wait some how you think people making millions off of broken none working games is justifiable right???.......
@xantufrog: god you want to get in to it?? they could do volley ball version for brasil......cricket teams for india......baseball teams for japan......rugby for down under.....canada with hockey teams.....russia with their hockey teams.....wrestlers face masks for mexico!!!........i dont understand why they have not done more with these types of things....
@techdemon: they never were.....its just meant you are so stupid you buy before the game is even out.....to be blunt with all the problems PC version of games have had lately we should have 6 to 10 hours to play it......dont like it in that time frame get refund......
@stage4saiyan: and all of that has to change.....with so many people going to PC they better start making the PC games good.....at this point im not going to even care about waiting
@reduc_ab_: i would say it was purely PC but then i remember how many console games had day one patches......also remember playing parts of stuff like fallout 4 that made the consoles crash but i was able to play that part with nothing more then frame rate drops.....it seems like they are screwing up across the board on everything and the whole state of gaming right now sucks.....
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