@Barighm: so true.....you have to take the pirating and misuse of a product if you want to keep going......to be blunt giving people the option to hunt some of them from this site could get more players on the game.....
@d9000: thumbs up on it being a social study but truth be told what makes this different from a game site telling you were everything is in say fallout 4???.....
if you need any more clues EA is only in it for the money here it is......cant wait to see the full cost of the DLC.......should be what 200 bucks total
@VXXXJesterXXXV: was hoping for more out tales from border lands....i guess this game type has its place but truth be told it should be for tablets.....
@wowgrandpa: yeah i could find it for 30 bucks and the cheapest i can find it now is 42 bucks.....i was going to buy because they had the game with all the DLC for 50 bucks total.....i will go back to my illegal copy for a couple of months....
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