@joshrmeyer: i would tell them flat out i pirate just to keep from buying junk games.....lots of DLC's dont work with pirated games so i only down load them to play the main game and see if it worth buying it at all......a lot of pirating would stop if they just went back to doing real demo's or having open beta's......
@xantufrog: the blower set up like that has been around since the 7 series.....they work fine and at least get rid of the hot air out side of the case.....
@Defender1978: with you.....i have wanted streaming from PC to one since the first day they said it would go the other way!!! if i could buy a couple of ones to put all over the house and stream my PC with no lag i would buy more consoles.....steam link even running a direct cat 6 cable to it with the PC having a PCI-E x1 gigabyte network card LAGS and you cant get every game playable.....give me a link to my desktop so i can use it just like my computer and they would sell a lot of consoles.....as for my gaming rig its old and time to upgrade.....my AMD 955 and my 4gb 770 have served me well.....with people getting rid of 970's for 150 used i will upgrade to something not as old in a used parts pile.....
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