@bunchanumbers: i dont see it......if anything we get to the point consoles are printed on single circuit boards at home.....stuff n the front end will never go away with the internet we have now......
yeah no streaming.....if it goes to that i will no longer game......what i see coming is upgradable consoles....it would be nice if they used off the shelf PC parts but i still see them doing this over streaming.....most of the country still has internet under 20mb down with 1 to 2mb up......the input lag from not even having anything in house would be to much.....on top of it we are already maxed out on most of the fiber networks in the country even after going to triple colors used to transmit data over fiber lines....
all i really want for Xmas in planet invasions, death star raids, star destroyer raids in space with MASSIVE space wars......i should be able to use light speed to get to other planets in the falcon....think no mans sky star wars style with the worlds running on servers the size of planet side 2 for EVERY planet.....if you have time do a real single player part like jedi training
@joshrmeyer: you want real hardware that will support to screens at one time and then dont want to pay the real cost for the hardware......it wont happen......with the PS4 being one of the best selling consoles in history it just shows people are ok with what is going on
@joshrmeyer: well its all funny to me.....we had stuff back in july of 2015 saying AMD had signed contracts with sony and MS to make the next round of consoles that were slated to be put out in 2018.........i have this funny feeling they were contracts to make 4.5 and a upgraded one.....at this point its seems like MS may put out a new console and not a upgraded version of the one.....we will have to wait and see.....if the upgraded specs are right its still a waste of money.....
@heydink: you must be high.....just cause looks 10 times better.....i have both and nothing beats just cause on PC right now.....uncharted looks really good for a console game but even dying light looked better.....forget about GTA5......
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