@mi_hung_lo: i still hate EA because the PC version of BF4 still has tons of problems and the BS internet login EVERYONE HATES!!! on top of that i think BF 3 and 4 have to be 2 of the worst games i have ever played.....but again i only played them on PC.....for the time EVER i wish i had it on consoles just i would not have to deal with all the BS EA chose to do.....they may not be as bad as UBI SUCKS but they are up there
@drocdoc: they are going to give ALL the DLC away from what i was told.....i dont know if it will happen but it would be nice.....i paid 5 bucks for the main game and have almost got premium twice
@sargentpsgamer: replying to everyone.....its been up on PC for a couple of days.....try login to battlelog online with a PC and see if you can "buy it"
@mi_hung_lo: no just no......its not one of the best.....it still has a bunch of problems on PC even to this day......you must play consoles....it would be nice not to have to deal with browser plug ins and BS login's....
smokerob79's comments