@lonesamurai1: played 33 hours of it on consoles and will never touch the series again......on PC we already have grind fest games like war frame......
we already have grind fests like war frame....we dont need this TURD game......and it will be number 2......save the time and money and make a game console players can be happy with.......
@BabeNewelll: "Good optimization means that the game works at the same framerate across a wide range of hardware specs, including low-end configurations."
i will say it again.......its that simple....and its from that post i already read days ago.....
@BabeNewelll: "Good optimization means that the game works at the same framerate across a wide range of hardware specs, including low-end configurations."
^^^ copied from your link......its that simple dude......and yes i read it 5 days ago when it was put up......
if they could only get the whole list of only on PC games running on consoles it would be nice.....then console gamers would have a clue of what they missed......and i could go to just consoles as the new min spec BS on PC is going to kill it soon.....
@WESTBLADE: and that is not a bad rig in any shape or form.......they need to stop this BS everything needs to be on a 10 series video card.....its not going to sell hardware its going to kill PC gaming.....
this is a bad joke and im going to quite gaming on PC if this keeps up.......the joke is the fact a i5 with a 970 stomps the ONE on every level in to the ground but it looks like it ran fine on ONE even if it was 30 frames.......i dont care what a 10 series nvidia card will do i want to know what older cards like the 6 series and 7 series does with this game and why the game maker wanted to cut out at least 60% of the PC market making a game this badly optimized........
on a side note im really looking in to a class action law suit on EA for the min specs of BF1 as the game ran on a ton of hardware that was not even on the min list.........this is going to keep happening as every game MS puts out on its junk new store is going to run bad unless you have new hardware.....so i deleted the store from PC......BUT WE AS GAMERS NEED TO TELL THEM NOW so they stop doing this BS........MS learned what they did wrong from saying what they were going to do with ONE they need to learn now what they are doing wrong with PC......
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