@kazeswen: your thinking about it in the old ways....never have we had a new console mid cycle before and with them going this route support will have to end for older consoles as the new ones come out......when we have PS4.8 they will have to give up support for PS4.0 as they will move to far from hardware wise to do anything......on top of that we already have seen games not looking the same on both version of hardware just from the videos sony showed at the press release......i can see the new console playing the old game going forward but i see a point the games will no longer run on the old hardware and support for them will have to stopped as it holds back current version of the console......MS and sony want to keep going this route with talks we will never see a true PS5 or Xbtwo......
@Arkhalipso: "What third party companies decide doesn't depend on them"........that is a out right lie......3rd parties cant even put something on the system without sony giving the OK.......if they could we would have mods for skyrim and fallout 4.......
smokerob79's comments