@Thanatos2k: with apple winning on rounded edges like they were here in the 15th century doing wood working, then this group my win......its not right but it could happen.....
@beantownsean: now i get they are great chips but tons of new games are going to need a i5 to do 1080p it sucks and even the 8350's from AMD are going to be old hat and are starting to be the min for some games to even run....
Skylake 6700K CPU is arguably the best (non-enthusiast).......yeah right....ALL K VERSION are enthusiast level as they will be overclocked.....
memory go with DDR4 at this point....its cheaper then DR3 as they are starting to make less of it
GPU you dont need a 970 but they are getting cheap if you look in to used
mother board should be good as getting the newest will let you upgrade down the line....a cheaper none K CPU now means you could pick up the best CPU your socket takes in 2 years for little money used.....
@zackaryl: that is a out right lie....i have a 770 4gb and only play that game at 1368x768......im not touching more then med in most settings with a few on low.....
smokerob79's comments