My brain wont be convinced at all. There'll be a huge thing strapped to the front of my head and I wont be able to see anything in the room I'm actually in. You cant have complete immersion when the screen in front of your face cuts off so much peripheral vision.
holodeck-esque virtual reality would need just that....a holodeck. Virtual Reality will never be fully realized if creators think they have to keep shoving different lenses/screens directly into a person's face. You need an entire room capable of VR in order to feel as completely immersed as possible.
There's no way around this. It's definitely been mimicked pretty well with these face-hugger machines but closing your face off from an entire room will not be the answer for VR immersion.
Illumiroom seems to be a very early concept idea of where VR should go. I'm not saying Illumiroom is a great idea, but it's a step in the direction of turning your room into a VR deck rather than turning the 5 inches in front of your face into an entire room.
Sweet! A $500 advertisement box that plays "exclusive" videogames which all seem to be coming to PC anyway. Such an awesome box of awesomeness! Doritoes, Dew, Pizza Hut, and kinect-vertisements! Welcome to "next-gen"
Uugh, yeah Vita had a 9 month headstart, is a handheld console, and is at least $50-$75 cheaper. The fact that Vita sales are barely ahead of a more expensive home console despite the headstart and cheaper pricepoint is a bad thing for Vita.
@ajay1708 @demonkingx5 You need to read your sources dude.
They confirmed that there wont be DRM, but they didnt answer this question: "3) Will the PS4 games be able to be bought and sold used? Or will there be an online activation fee that essentially causes a used game to cost as much as a new game, thereby eliminating the relevance of used games?
That's from the very Kotaku article your link referenced to. They only answered 1 of the 3 concerning no, they didnt completely deny everything.
@ajay1708 It isnt about Always-Online DRM, it's about going against used games. Gamers want to know if PS4 will have the same stance on used games as the XBO.
Developer-wise, I'd like to see them work on a new FF that isnt bogged down by XIII's storyline...maybe a new sequel to their old (and amazing) Brave Fencer Musashi and Chrono IP's.
Publisher-wise, I'd like to see the original BFM on the NA PSN (finally!). I hope this emergency restructuring gets them to pause and think about inflated sales projections and ridiculous budgets.
It isnt about a game being a cake walk, it's about accessibility. Not every gamer likes to lose an hour's worth of gameplay because they didnt know there was this one ring in a water barrel that you were supposed to get to do something else. Megaman is hard as hell, but you arent really losing a lot of progress when you die, since the stages can take maybe 3-5 minutes to clear.
Does that make demons/dark souls a bad game? Nope, but it does make it a niche title. Not everyone has time to burn trying to find out the intricacies of the game. They work, get home, and just want to play something with progress and a slight feeling of accomplishment, no matter how difficult it is.
smoman5000's comments